10 Reasons You Should Fall MADLY In Love With A Surfer

What's not to like?

date a surfer weheartit

There are loads of reasons surfers are the greatest, not to mention the fact that they often act like total heroes, like Kelly Slater, who just rescued a woman and her daughter in Hawaii. The pair were swept off the Kamehameha Highway by a giant wave, and may have been doomed had the world's most winningest surfer not been nearby to help.

But that's not the only reason to love a surfer... 

1. He's one with nature.


Surfers are, by nature, committed to keeping the oceans clean and marine life healthy. After all, that's their favorite place to spend time (other than your arms, of course). And nothing's sexier than someone who cares about the environment.




2. She's totally bad-ass. 

Relatively, there aren't a whole ton of women surfers out there, so you know that this woman must be totally bad-ass. She's a total trailblazer, and there's nothing a strong man likes better than a woman who can hold her own ... even in a line-up full of guys.


3. He's not shy about his body.


Surfers have no shame and will change out of their wetsuits anytime, any place. Hand your guy a towel and he'll be dressed and ready to go in no time flat. You might even catch a glimpse of his cute rear-end in the process.


4. She's comfortable with solitude. 

Sure, surfers often paddle out with friends, but surfing itself is a solitary practice. When you're dropping in on a wave, it's just you and the ocean. That feeling of independence transfers to life on dry land, too, making the surfer you love comfortable with spending time on their own



5. He's totally capable of fighting off a shark.

Who will ever forget the sight of dreamy Mick Fanning fighting for his life after a Great White got tangled in his leash? Don't let anyone tell you surfers aren't total badasses. 

6. She drives an awesome car or truck.


What's cooler than a woman who drives a pick-up truck? Well, maybe a woman sporting a surf rack on her car.

And it's hard to deny that a guy with a surfboard in the bed of his truck is instantly more attractive.. 


7. He hangs out with the sexist guys around. 

Ever seen an unattractive group of surfers? Us either. And they're often total flirts



8. She always has that cool, ocean-salt hair.

Non-surfers pay good money for that look. She just air dries after changing into flip-flops and a pair of cut-offs.

9. His V-shaped back. 


Those lats


10. Surf babies!

Dare you to find anything cuter than little kids learning to surf. Starting a family with a surfer is a guarantee of fun times ahead. 

