4 Beauty-Inspired Reasons Water Is Your BFF, Even After Summer Heat

You'll feel pretty. And fit. And healthy!

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Most people already know that drinking water in Summer's heat is important, but getting yourself to drink enough water when the weather cools off is a different story.

If helping your body function at its top potential — and preventing headaches — isn't enough, then let these four beauty-inspired reasons urge you to toast with water more regularly.

1. Support skin: 

Forget expensive creams and treatments; drinking water is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin looking young and glowing all year long.


Proper hydration makes every system work better including your skin. Drinking water ensures that nutrients are delivered to cells keeping them hydrated and plump – and plump cells can help your skin look firmer.

2. Suppress appetite: 

Drinking a glass of water before meals helps you eat less, since thirst is often mistaken for hunger. In fact, studies have found that folks who stay on top of their water intake actually consume fewer calories.

This is also a great technique for someone who tends to overeat when they're bored.

3. Keep belly bloat in check: 

Staying away from salty foods and dairy certainly helps, but one of the best ways to make sure you don't retain water is to drink plenty of water. It seems a little counterintuitive, but filling up on water and keeping your body hydrated keeps bad belly bloat at bay.


4. Boost metabolism: 

We know that drinking more water helps you before, after, and during your workout, but it actually helps you burn more calories! One study showed that people who drank eight to 12 glasses of water a day burned more fat than those who only drank four.
