Study Says Men Produce Waaaay More Semen When They Watch THIS

Who knew?!

men weheartit

Which President of the United States had a sexual behavior named after him? Nope, not President Clinton, nor was it President Bush, and it certainly wasn't President Reagan. If you guessed President Calvin Coolidge (and if you did are you some kind of trivia genius?), then you're correct. 

The Coolidge Effect was named after him. According to Wikipedia, the Coolidge Effect is a phenomenon seen in mammalian species whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after sex with prior but still available sexual partners.


The evolutionary benefit to this phenomenon is that a male can fertilize multiple females. The male may be reinvigorated repeatedly for successful insemination of multiple females.

You may be wondering how this phenomenon came to be named after the 30th President of the United States.

The story goes that one day the President and the first lady were being shown around an experimental government farm. At some point in the tour, President Coolidge and his wife were separated.

Mrs. Coolidge was being shown the chicken coop and all of its inhabitants. She noticed that a rooster was going at it with a hen as if it had swallowed up a whole bunch of Viagra in its feed. 


"How often does he do that?" she asked one of the farm workers.

"Dozens of times each day," was the response.

"Tell that to the President when he comes by," said the first lady.

Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?"

"Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time," was the response of his farm-escort. 

President Coolidge said, "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."

And scene. Oh, that hilarious comedy duo — the President and his missus! The Coolidge Effect is still relevant today.

A recent study by Paul Joseph of the University of Florida set out to see if the Coolidge Effect has influenced biology as well as behavior. For the study, 21 men reported to the lab every two or three days. While there, the men were put into a private room to watch a porno clip and masturbate into a jar.


Each time the men visited the lab, they saw a different clip. The first six times, it featured the same female performer, but then on the man's seventh visit, he got to see a clip with a different female adult star.

Joseph analyzed the quality of the participants' semen and found that there was no change in movement, concentration, and volume over the first six sessions (when the performer was the same). But when the men watched the new performer, they produced more semen, more moving around sperm, and they orgasmed faster.

The study summed it up in this way: "Our results suggest that men experience increased arousal and invest more in ejaculates with novel females."


So, seeing a potential new sex partner (even if it's only in their imagination) produces more semen for men. Men need new stimulation because that's how they're made — their body is telling them this through quantity and quality of their ejaculate.

In other words, if you're in charge of the porn at home, keep it fresh.