10 Truly Effective Post-Breakup Tips To Get Over Your Ex For Good

Get that man out of your head, and your heart.

Last updated on Apr 29, 2024

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You thought you and your ex would have a beautiful, everlasting romance until he announced that he wasn't feeling it anymore. You're left shell-shocked, in a state of confusion and despair, and filled with anger and remorse, unable to learn how to move on. After the breakup, one question keeps ringing through your head over and over again: How will I go on without him? When there's no chance of rekindling the romance you once had, sometimes you're left with only one choice: Move on. Here's how to get over your ex,  forget about him, and move on.


How to get over your ex for good with these 10 post-breakup tips:

1. Change your frame of mind

Our minds are so incredibly powerful that you can control your thinking, even when you think you can’t. He's holding important space in your mind, and it's time to kick him out! He's no longer welcome anymore.

@drmarkhyman When it comes to mindset, most of us believe that changing our mindset begins with changing our thoughts. @melrobbins joined me on The Doctor’s to explain why thinking patterns don’t actually begin with a thought; rather, they are triggered by an emotion. Do you ever notice that you can be super frustrated or feel low energy, and if you go outside for a walk that within 10 minutes, you feel different? It’s because you have shifted your physiological state, and when you shift or relax your physiological state, you relax your mind. Find the full interview on The Doctor’s Farmacy. #melrobbins #drmarkhyman #mindset ♬ Steven Universe - L.Dre

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2. Close the door

When you start to think of him, visualize a beautiful, large red door and slam it firmly closed. Then immediately change your thoughts to something fun, relaxing, and/or positive. You are in control, and you're choosing positivity.

3. Stop snooping on his social media

You can't watch him on social media to see what he's doing or who he's with. Social media makes everyone look happy, so this will only hurt you! Block him so it's not even a temptation.

4. Don't ask friends for updates

Hearing what he's doing with his new woman or friends is just a way to hurt yourself and prolong the pain, so stop asking.

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5. Don't drive by his house

Stay away from his house. No late-night drive-bys to see who's there. Out of sight, out of mind.

6. Delete his number

Erase his numbers and email from your phone (and all electronics), just in case you're tempted to try to contact him in a weak moment. Stay strong. You can do this!

7. Stop talking about him

You can discuss the ordeal with your friends when it happens, but do not keep rehashing it. If you feel the need to understand it better, counseling is a great way to deal with this.

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8. Keep yourself busy.

Push yourself to get out and be with your friends, and family or start something new. Try a new hobby — exercising, group activities, or anything that keeps your mind occupied.


9. Start journaling

Writing is very therapeutic and helps you heal. It's important to journal the negative experiences because our minds have a way of only remembering the good times when we're lonely.

10. Use positive affirmations daily

Every morning and evening give yourself affirmations to build your self-esteem. We project our feelings to others, so use positive thoughts to attract healthy people into your life.

RELATED: The Secret To Truly, Finally Getting Over Your Ex


Deni Abbie is a certified Life Coach, Dating and Relationship Coach, Hypnotherapist, syndicated author, and public speaker.