Why 'Female Viagra' Is A BAD Idea For Women With Low Desire

The real solution to your decreased libido comes WITHOUT any nasty side effects.

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Big Pharma proposed a new drug that claims to increase female libido, and an advisory committee to the FDA just recommended its approval with an 18-6 vote. But once "female Viagra" is officially approved and handed out like anti-depressants, the message to women is that, once again, we're not enough.

Not skinny enough, can’t do enough, and now ... don’t screw enough.

Society’s response to the drop in the female libido is to give us a pill. We don’t need a pill, we need a break! Stop adding more to the lengthy list that we (as women) are supposed to accomplish in order for society to consider us a success.


Yes, sexual dysfunction is a real problem, but — judging by the way most men use Viagra — there are bigger issues squashing our sex drives.

It’s the fact that we, as a society, are overworked, overwhelmed and over-stimulated. ALL of these things obstruct our big "O."

From the moment we wake up to our Facebook newsfeed to the time our head hits the pillow at night, our minds are constantly in motion. So much of a woman’s desire comes from outside of bedroom and inside our minds, yet we feel like there's no time to actually sit and let our imaginations get a little dirty. 

We go nonstop, say, "Yes" when we should say, "No" and now we will pop a pill rather than listen to our bodies telling us to slow down.


Am I against the pill? No. If you have a legitimate hormone deficiency, by all means try a pill. But if you are like the masses and are simply deprived of a happy life, there are solutions that come with only positive side effects.

The real bedroom game changer is slowing down. 

Take a serious look at your life, and decide if all the doing will make up for what you're missing — because I guarantee it’s a lot.

Ask yourself the question, "If I die in three years, will I feel satisfied with my legacy?" Chances are, you won’t.

But the good news is that you can make some changes without getting an expiration date from the doctor. 

Write down changes you would like to make. For example, your list might look like this:

  1. Have more kid-free time with my husband.
  2. Spend quality time with my children.
  3. Take time to savor the little moments.

Now, look at the list and circle the things that you could change without much disruption to your life.

Let’s take "Have more kid-free time with my husband" and demonstrate how you can make this happen. Think of three actions you can take to make this goal a reality:

  1. Nix some social commitments.
  2. Schedule two date nights in the next two weeks.
  3. Line up a sitter.

Once you realize how easy it is to actually slow down and do what you want to do, you will feel like having more fun in your life — in and out of the bedroom. It’s this incessant need to do something all the time that we never let our bodies and minds rest. Take a load off!

Start crafting a life worth living, engage with your imagination and watch the magic unfold.


How do I know this works? Because I don’t just talk about doing things differently, I live it. Most of my articles have a personal thread of me in them. I used to run in the rat race until I woke up one day and thought, "What the h*ll am I doing?" and I stopped. It was then that I realized how much I was missing out on while I was in such a rush to get things done that really didn’t matter.

I've experienced sex droughts in my marriage. The decrease in libido has happened on both sides of the bed, due to stress and not giving our minds the opportunity to anticipate each other. But slowing things down has helped significantly.

If you've been waiting for this magic pill to fix the “problem”, try this route first. Take a few weeks to simply slow down and remember that an imagination free to wander is a girl’s BEST friend.


Did you learn something? Share it! For more information on how you can change your life and increase your libido visit southmetrocounseling.com and fill out the free assessment.