If You're Making These 7 Mistakes, You're Dating Mr. WRONG

Ditch the losers and get yourself together, girl!

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The wrong guy doesn’t show up by accidentyou allow it.

Watch out for these seven common dating mistakes we’ve all made at least once or twice!

1. You Think Every Guy Is ‘The One’

Sometimes, we're so focused on our ultimate goal — a soulmate, a family etc. — that we tend to hope every guy is The One. We want to find Mr. Right so badly, so we ignore red flags and deal breakers as we strive for the prize.


2. You Mistake Chemistry For Love

Chemistry is great, but it will only get you through about six months. Longer, meaningful relationships require some qualities outside of chemistry. Common goals, similar interests and complimentary personalties are important, to name just a few. We sometimes pick our partners or potential partners based almost entirely on chemistry or appearance and overlook the really important stuff.

3. You Ignore Problems Because You Like Him

Remember those red flags and dealbreakers I mentioned earlier? Well, they’re back. Just because a guy has ten qualities you really like about him, that does not excuse his B.S. behavior! If something is unacceptable, then it’s still unacceptable from someone you like — maybe even more so.


5. You Date To Avoid Getting Hurt

Dating to avoid hurt doesn’t work. Because the only person you’ll end up hurting is yourself.

6. You Feel Safer if He’s With You All The Time

He’s really into you, which feels great because you think you’re in control of the situation. He showers you with attention and affection, and makes you feel safe — but not in love. You see, the situation I’m describing is where the relationship is not equal. He’s far more into you than you are into him, and that's not fair.

7. Only Toxic People Are in A Rush

You meet. You sleep with him. He tells you he loves you. You pick names for your first children. You move in together. Then you have your two week anniversary. Now you’re on a train that’s moving too fast for you to jump off. One of the most obvious signs that you’re in a relationship with a toxic person is that things move much too quickly. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a lasting, meaningful relationship. Don't fall for this one.


Ending up with the wrong guy doesn't happen by accident. It happens because of what we overlook and tolerate. What are you willing to let go of so you don’t make the same mistake again?

Lorna helps women let go of the wrong guy and attract the right guy. Listen to her FREE Audio Here "Avoid Ending Up With The Wrong Guy."