Everything You Must Know About Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Before you say yes to surgery, get all the facts.

Everything You Must Know About Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

Transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation comes with quite a few misconceptions. Most patients looking to get their boobs done are more familiar with procedures done through inframammary (along the breast fold) or periareolar (around the nipple) incisions. These three types are similar in principle; a small cut is made in a particular area—in the armpit, along the breast fold, or around the nipple—usually ranging between 2-4 cm, through which the surgeon inserts implants and places them under the breast tissue (sub-glandular placement) or under the pectoral muscle (sub-muscular placement).


The main advantage of the transaxillary incision over the two other kinds of cuts is that, once healed, scars are rarely visible. It's not just the incision's length that contributes to a more aesthetically pleasing recovery—the armpit itself is naturally creased, allowing cuts to blend in easily. The use of an endoscope also increases visibility and helps minimize bleeding as the surgeon makes a pocket for implants under the breast tissue or chest muscle. Cosmetic Surgery Times said, "It has been described that if surgeons are performing transaxillary augmentation without the use of an endoscope, they are performing the procedure blind."


Aside from the cut itself, some patients worry that implants will look oddly high and unnatural when inserted using the transaxillary method. Most doctors, through experience, contend that a less than flattering placement comes down to a surgeon's skills rather than to difficulties inherent in the procedure. To ensure that your doctor is qualified and sufficiently experienced, medical professionals advise to ask for "before" and "after" photos of previous patients who have undergone the same procedure, research on the surgeon's qualifications and practice, and choose one who has successfully used the technique before.

There are concerns, too, about the kinds of implants best used for this type of breast augmentation method. The two most known varieties are made up of silicone and saline. Objectively speaking, either one is just as good in redefining your breast's shape and size. Because saline implants are filled during surgery, they can be made into almost any size of your liking. But silicone implants come pre-filled from manufacturers, limiting the volume that can be inserted through this small remote incision. Most patients, though, have expressed that silicone counterparts feel more natural than saline ones.

Following surgery, armpit care consists mainly of daily washing and application of an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin or Bacitracin. Two to three weeks post-operation, stitches are expected to completely dissolve on their own. Regarding a rumored increased risk of infection, studies reveal that occurrence (which, to begin with, is very low) among patients is the same as those who chose inframammary or periareolar breast augmentation.

If you're considering breast augmentation or reconstruction and want only your new breasts without scars as reminders, maybe transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation is your best option. Don't forget to go for a qualified and experienced doctor—one who understands what you want and who can perform the operation with utmost proficiency.
