3 Ways Busy Moms Can Get In The Mood

How you can bring intimacy back into your relationship!

couple smiling

Even though we love our partners, being married can sometimes feel like a job because of the amount of effort that it takes to make it work. Not only does it require a lot of time and energy for it to last, it's also super important to pay attention—especially when it comes to our partner's needs. That's what makes the moment we realize that we aren't as intimate as we used to be really hard to deal with. Just thinking about the lack of sex in our marriage makes us nervous. It doesn't help that taking care of the kids is a 24 hour job; trying to fit time in to be with our partners can be hard.

Hearing Doug Olds of After Nine Tonight mention that our marriage isn't necessarily in trouble just because we aren't having sex as often as we used before tying the knot is pretty reassuring. However, that doesn't mean that everything is smooth sailing. One of the most important things that we need to ask ourselves is why is this going on and what can we do to change it? What changed in our lives that we stopped paying attention to our relationship? Being a great mom, managing a career, taking care of kids, and creating a successful household takes a lot of time not to mention mental space, so it's no surprise that sex gets pushed to the bottom of this pile. It's all about being willing to make the effort to help each other out so we can make more time to be intimate; it's the best way to get to know our partners physically and emotionally again. Watching the short, arousing films from After Nine Tonight will definitely help us get our sex lives back on the right track.