5 Things Wildly Successful Relationships Have That Failing Ones Don't, According To Psychology
The core traits all successful relationships have in common.

Learning from relationships means observing and applying key elements like communication, respect, trust, active listening, commitment, compromise, shared values, and the ability to navigate conflict constructively. This will allow you to build healthier and more fulfilling relationships in the future.
There is much material written about how to repair the disconnect that often occurs between partners. However, there is also much to be learned from successful relationships.
Here are the five things wildly successful relationships have that failing ones don't:
1. Respect
This is the #1 factor in a healthy, strong relationship. Respecting your partner allows you to accept who he or she is, without trying to change the person. Respect also allows you to listen to each other.
2. Good conflict management
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In any relationship, there's going to be a time when the two people run into a conflict simply because they're two different individuals. Strong couples can handle their conflicts in a way that allows them to hear the other's needs with respect and understanding. Through this process, they become closer to one another.
Effective conflict management allows couples to navigate disagreements constructively, fostering greater intimacy, understanding, and overall satisfaction. A 2019 study showed that conflict is normal in any relationship, and how couples handle these disagreements matters most. The study highlights the importance of active listening, clear communication, empathy, and a willingness to compromise in productively resolving conflicts.
3. Humor
In general, humor is a great stress-buster. Successful couples can use humor to help during times of stress. Additionally, they have an attitude that allows them to let go of issues rather than holding on to grudges.
4. Support for each other
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People and relationships grow and change. In a successful couple, this process is supported. Rather than trying to get one's mate to be who you want him or her to be, you accept and encourage their strengths.
Studies demonstrate the crucial role of mutual support in a relationship. Providing and receiving emotional support from a partner significantly contributes to relationship satisfaction, well-being, and resilience. A 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychology showed that couples who strongly support each other tend to have higher relationship quality and greater happiness.
5. Friendship
It's important that a couple feels that they can support one another. Additionally, sharing information (even gossip) actually has been shown to be connecting. Finally, that which is shared and private is kept within the boundary of the relationship.
A strong foundation of friendship is crucial for a romantic relationship's success. It fosters trust, open communication, intimacy, and a sense of shared understanding, ultimately leading to more significant commitment and satisfaction in the partnership. According to a 2022 study published in Personal Relationships, the quality of the friendship within a romantic relationship matters more than simply having a partner you are also friends with.
Dr. Karen Sherman, MFT, NCC, PhD, is a relationship expert with her weekly radio show.