3 Simple Steps To Get The Commitment From Him That You Want
Make your love life what you want.

We all want our partners to be committed. But what do you do when you aren't getting the commitment you want from the person you're dating?
Here are 3 simple steps to get the commitment you want:
1. Know what level of commitment you want.
If you're unclear about what you want out of a relationship, then you will have a tough time getting it. Life tends to deliver what we focus on. If you're not focused on what you truly want, then it's time to define what commitment looks like to you.
Does it mean dating exclusively? Do you want an engagement ring on your finger, or is a verbal profession of love good enough for you? Are you the type of person who feels it's not a commitment until you drive off in the limo with the "just married" sign taped on the trunk? These are all questions you need to answer honestly.
2. Know your timeline.
Relationships take time to develop, but you don't want to wait forever for things to move along. Typically, this time restriction is felt more by women who want children and are approaching the latter part of their prime child-bearing years, but this is not always true.
Why waste time with the wrong person when it's clear you aren't heading towards the committed relationship you want? If you stay in a stagnant relationship, all you do is block the right person who wants the same commitment as you.
Make sure you are clear about how long you are willing to wait for things to progress to where you want them to be.
3. Figure out whether you both want the same commitment.
Your partner cannot read your mind. If you feel your relationship is not progressing how you'd like, you must bring it up. Don't offer an ultimatum, which has a negative connotation, instead communicate with your partner about what you want in life.
If you can't communicate your needs and desires, you will have more problems in your relationship than this one. If talking about commitment with your partner scares them off, and you find yourself single again, think positively. Now you're open to meeting someone who shares the same need for commitment as you, and you're on the path to finding a healthier, happier relationship.
Know it is all about you. You are in control of your destiny where a committed relationship is concerned. If you and your partner are in different places regarding the level of commitment you want in your relationship, then you need to be honest with yourself and decide for yourself the actions will take. It's your love life; you might as well make it what you want.
Jane Garapick is a dating and relationship coach, author, and founder of Getting to True Love. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment to women on their journey to find true love.