Woman Kicks Mother-In-Law Out Of The Delivery Room After She Tries To Change The Baby's Name While She's In Labor
She admitted that her mother-in-law kept trying to insert herself into the decisions that were being made about the baby.

A new mom is being told she needs to apologize to her mother-in-law after she kicked her out of the delivery room because of her attitude toward the baby's name.
Posting to the subreddit "r/AITA," a woman who recently welcomed a baby with her husband was frustrated with her mother-in-law's insistence that the baby's name wasn't right.
She kicked her mother-in-law out of the delivery room after she tried to change the baby's name while she was in labor.
In her Reddit post, the 29-year-old woman explained that she'd recently given birth to her son. Before the birth, both she and her husband agreed that they were going to name their son after her father, who passed away when she was 14.
She recalled being extremely close with her father and wanted to keep his memory alive by allowing her son to carry his name throughout his life. To include her husband, they also decided that his middle name would be her husband's grandfather's name.
"My [mother-in-law] is very opinionated about everything. She has been giving us her opinion on everything for our son," she wrote in her Reddit post, adding that her mother-in-law's opinions also have to do with their son's name.
The day that she gave birth, she only wanted her husband to be in the delivery room.
Her husband drove her to the hospital, but her mother-in-law also showed up and bulldozed her way into the delivery room, rambling about changing their son's name, and also giving her opinion on the feeding schedule and other aspects of parenting that she and her husband had already talked about and were prepared for.
Photo: Jose Luis Pelaez / Canva Pro
She admitted to keeping her composure as best as she could despite her mother-in-law's behavior. Once she gave birth, she heard her mother-in-law trying to talk her son into convincing her to change the name as well.
"She asked the nurses if she could legally change his name. She even went as far as to accuse me of controlling [my] husband into his name," she continued. That was the final straw, and she promptly yelled at her mother-in-law to get out of the room and that they would not be changing his name.
Her husband also stuck up for her against his mother and assured her that nothing would be changed. They both threatened her, saying that if she continued to bring up the topic of his name, they wouldn't allow her to see him or spend any time with him.
"Now, most of her side of the family are calling me names and demanding I apologize to [mother-in-law]. She has texted me a few times calling me an [expletive]," she concluded.
People agreed she wasn't wrong for kicking her mother-in-law out of the delivery room.
"I would tell her this — you have one chance. you stop this madness now, you apologize for your behavior and you tell everyone else to back off — or this is the last you will ever hear from us and you will never see this child again," one Reddit user wrote. "You are not the parent, you do not have a say and until you submit and accept this — there is nothing here for you."
Another user agreed, adding, "You just had a baby, and this woman wants to waltz in and then ask the nurses if she can change the name? Is something wrong with her? Honestly, just cut her off for a little while and have a good time bonding with [the] baby! You need to recover, not be dealing with all of this."
"She owes you an apology. She violated your boundaries by going to the delivery and harassing you before you gave birth. Then tries to push your husband to go behind your back," a third user chimed in. "Then to lie to make herself the victim. Hopefully, your husband is on the same page, and will not let her see your son until she apologizes and confesses to the truth."
Naming a child should be a decision only the parents should be included in unless they are asking for input.
Birth is not a spectator event and the fact that this woman wanted only her husband in the delivery room but was blindsided by her mother-in-law's presence, who came with an agenda to insert herself into their parenting journey, isn't right.
In her most vulnerable state, the last thing a mother who has just given birth needs is to deal with an incessant mother-in-law who doesn't understand boundaries. In a moment like that, it's important that everyone knows their place and respects the decisions parents choose to make for their children.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.