Mom Shares The Adorable 'Dadurday' Tradition Her Husband Started With Their Daughter
Saturdays are for the Dads!

For one family, Saturday has become the most anticipated day of the week for a precious reason. It's known as “Dadurday,” a day when their only child gets to spend the entire day doing fun activities with Dad!
The mom shared the adorable ‘Dadurday’ tradition her husband started with their daughter.
Kelly Irene, a Costa Rica-based mom, explained that every Saturday her husband takes their daughter on "little adventures." They
“I am not invited," the mom added. "This is just daddy-daughter special time, and they go and have the time of their lives."
“They might go to the beach, or they might go to a waterfall, or on a hike, or they might just go swimming in town,” Irene detailed.
One week the pair even went horseback riding!
The mom said that her husband and daughter absolutely live for Dadurdays and always look forward to special bonding time together.
She explained that her husband works from home during the week and gets to spend time with their daughter; however, "he's not having Dadurday experiences on weekdays, so when Saturday rolls around, it's his time to shine."
Dadurdays also allow Irene time to herself — something many moms struggle to find.
Irene has come to love Dadurdays for a few reasons. For one, by the time the pair get home after their adventures, her daughter is "pooped" and takes a long nap.
The mom also admitted that she values the time alone that the weekly tradition provides.
“Dadurday is just as much for me as it is for Dad, if not more for me, actually,” she insisted. “I love Dadurday. I am Dadurday’s biggest advocate.”
“Some days I just rot and I don't do anything productive. I just lay around,” Irene admitted. Other Dadurdays she spends running errands and getting housework done, which she explained is a lot easier to do by herself.
Family traditions are vital for children as they grow up.
Children need a stable environment and emotional security, both of which are ideally provided by their parents. Starting traditions as a family gives kids a sense of belonging and stability, knowing that there will always be a time when the family gets together and builds memories, whether as a group or as a pair, like Dadurdays.
Traditions also strengthen family relationships. The shared experiences promote closeness and unity and make children feel especially loved. They will carry this feeling of being loved with them well into their futures, which instills confidence and provides them with a sense of identity.
If they become parents themselves, they will likely carry on family traditions and give their children the same memories and feelings they had while growing up!
It is important to note that family traditions do not have to be as extravagant as a week in the Bahamas parasailing, snorkeling, and eating expensive food. They can be as simple as cooking breakfast together on Sunday mornings, running errands as a group on Saturdays, or spending the afternoon butterfly-catching in your own backyard.
Your children just want to be seen and loved, and know that you enjoy spending time with them as much as they enjoy spending time with you.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.