3 Steps To Keeping A Neutral Mindset & Staying In Control When Facing Negative Emotions
Facing negative emotions neutrally elevates your internal vibe.

A neutral mindset benefits you when you're drowning in negativity.
You might be feeling a bit off-kilter when your nightly dreams, meditational journeys, and visions offer glimpses of a Shangri-La. But then you see the real world in front of you.
You deeply desire that New Earth reality — that heaven on Earth frequency to be right here, right now. That longing generates a gap between "what is" and the "New Earth that is."
Some may feel like that disparity is just small enough to jump across. Yet, there are many others who feel that distance is an abyss and closer than you think.
Truth be told, it's already here, right now. Even better, you're already moving toward the elevated Earth version via an energetic bridge. The bridge's length and the velocity at which you traverse it depends on your frequency.
How can you boost your light quotient? By being neutral while experiencing slower, dense emotions.
Barrier Buster
Nothing unpacks your unsupportive emotions that have gone wild faster than being able to hang out in the neutral zone.
Oh sure, you've passed through the rigors of forgiveness, "Ho’oponoponoed" what needed healing, and even honored all purposes. But it takes genuine effort to take up permanent residence in the zero point state of neutrality.
To be clear, this is not about suppressing dense feelings nor ignoring them. On the contrary.
It's about eliminating that non-serving habit of judging and labeling them while in their experience. Being neutral offers an epic transformation.
In a recent message from the KAHAN: "Stepping into your neutrality regarding emotionally stimulated situations, both internally and externally, assists you in allowing more of your light to fully permeate your being-ness."
This was my first and perhaps only message from the KAHAN. They are commissioned to participate in a species' ascension from the third to fourth and now fifth dimension. They never "wing it" and they strictly follow protocols.
As a collective, they have experienced all dark (meaning, no light) and all light. They are now completely neutral and stay in this zero-point state.
This makes them very reliable and they are positively known throughout the cosmos. I feel they shared the gift of their experiences to assist me and all who read this during our greatest evolutionary shift.
Just how neutral are you?
Perhaps, you're mastering "external" triggers such as watching or reading opposing media, politics, religion, etc.
Maybe you've even become adept at walking away from toxic situations or people with genuine peace in your heart. Kudos to you.
But if not, please swim through those emotions, even if you're tired of going against the current using neutrality as your lifesaver.
And what about those "internal" stimuli? Those auto self-judgment responses to your participation in old stories that still solicit guilt, shame, embarrassment, sadness, or even current ongoing scenarios that perpetuate frustration and irritation?
Are they wreaking havoc on your ability to be neutral?
What's neutrality got to do with it?
"Be a full-on neutral observer, so then your missions of love light and passion automatically fill your conscious awareness as there is absolutely no resistance when in a state of neutrality." — KAHAN
I see two magical and profound words from the KAHAN: "No resistance."
You've been enveloped by many lifetimes in duality. So much so, that you've forgotten how to be in the world but not of it.
You've played Academy Award-winning roles here. Albeit, the amnesia component really helped you rock these parts.
Neutralizing emotional buttons uninstalls your old programs while entraining your frequency to align with the new, which operates without duality and judgment. Hence, why this is so important.
Simply put, everyone's unique perspective is absolutely treasured!
Help yourself see through the fog of beliefs and judgments so that next step in front of you on the neutral bridge you're crossing comes into full view.
Yes or no?
When you wake up in the morning, what do you feel? Do you have a happy, peaceful demeanor for no reason at all?
If your answer to that is anything other than "yes!" then neutrality is trying to make its way into your conscious awareness.
What does that look like? Well, if you're like most light-bearers, you're awake, healing and transmuting density — be it physically or otherwise.
Yet, if you're feeling uncomfortable deja vu, it's not a "glitch in the matrix" — you're being asked to select a neutrality upgrade.
"This is the gift of our experiences that we offer. Even as you hear this, the belief that 'we are humans, which includes active emotions' comes into your thoughts.
"We say 'yes,' and it is your time to be as neutral as you can, then go even further beyond what you believe is 'humanly' possible. Practice neutrality daily. You will truly feel and know what the 'unconditional' of unconditional love authentically is.
"This expedites your remembering." — The KAHAN
Practice, practice, practice!
I know, I know, you're human, and it's incredibly easy to get distracted.
So, below are a few helpful ways to stay focused on being neutral. Remember, it's not about avoiding or suppressing emotions, but rather neutralizing your response to the power you've given them.
These focus on both internal and external activators. For a couple of days, try staying neutral toward even positive feelings as you do these exercises so you can genuinely experience what being in the zero-point neutral state feels like.
And you're neutral strong when it counts.
Here are 3 steps to staying neutral when facing negative emotions.
1. Look at your whole, naked body in the mirror every day for five minutes.
Stay focused. Stay neutral.
2. Re-tell a challenging encounter, news story, or past experience without using any adjectives, opinions, or biases.
While adjectives are descriptive words, in general, they are often infused with your highly charged beliefs and judgments.
Stick to the facts only, please. Stay neutral.
3. Give yourself permission to not react at the moment.
Instead, go into observation mode — looking at both yourself and others — while fully experiencing emotions. Again, without labeling any of it as "good," "bad," "fun," "sad," etc.
Let yourself shift into a state of neutrality without any resistance.
When you've got those down, then let all of those fun-loving emotions flow! Periodically check in and strengthen your neutrality. Just stay awake and conscious.
Lastly, remember not to give yourself a hard time for slipping in and out of neutrality. Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
Here are some final words from the KAHAN: "Neutrality is the breeding ground for pure Source love and nothing else."
Tina Marie Bueno is an intuitive guide, channel, and Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner. As a Next Level Catalyst, she offers channeled psychic readings, distance hypnosis healing sessions, and digital support for those ready to transform their reality.