007 Sexy Qualities Every Relationship Needs

We could all learn a thing or two about love from James Bond.

7 Love Lessons From James Bond In Skyfall

What makes James Bond so successful? And how does he capture romance so effortlessly?

Skyfall earned 87.8 million dollars in its opening weekend. That is quite a haul for any movie release. So, how has Bond captured our hearts for 50 years? Certainly, Bond's romantic style contributes to his success. So, let's see what we can learn from 007 and set our sights on spicing up your relationship!

Here are seven tools for romance, Skyfall style:


1. Strength and vulnerability, at the same time. Daniel Craig, who plays James Bond, shares both his vulnerability and his strength. He cheats death at every turn. He feels deeply, and his passion motivates his enduring strength. He risks his life for a beloved person. What would happen in your relationship if you both shared your vulnerabilities with each other and held onto your strength at the same time?

2. Kindness and confidence. Bond is sensitive with people he meets. He looks at them eye to eye. There is no fear in his gaze, only confidence. He doesn't shy away from those who seem to have more power. He owns his strength and integrity ... and so can we. Our biggest hindrance is our own lack of confidence. What would happen if you were confident in your sense of self? How would your relationships grow?


3. A yearning for connection. A yearning for connection is a basic need for every person on the planet is to belong to a group of people and have a sense of connection with them. Bond's family is no longer available. Still, he has a connection with M and others from the MI6 team in which he works.

We all need connection with others who are trustworthy, people to help us when we inevitably make mistakes. If you are a rugged individualist, you may be missing out on a deeper, mutually-satisfying relationship.

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4. Physical and mental fitness. Daniel Craig obviously had a personal trainer and worked out extensively to maintain his physique for the movie. Bond is capable of protecting himself and others by his physical attributes. He prides himself on his ability to solve complex problems that are challening both physically and mentally. 


If we could harness just a little bit of his determination, our relationships would thrive. So many people hide or shrink away when they sense the slightest bit of fear. Bond, however, faces fear head on.

5. Being all in, with integrity. 007 is not wishy-washy about his decisions. He determines what he is going to do and follows through on his decisions. He hasintegrity that reinforces that he will keep his word. Others depend on his integrity for their safety.

How many times do you procrastinate or put off things you have promised to do? Bond acts and follows up until the job is done.

6. Loyalty. In Skyfall, James Bond stays loyal to MI6 even though he has reasons not to be loyal. The villain of the story had been betrayed and has spent his life in pursuit of vengeance. Bond has equal reason to turn to vengeance, but his integrity has him choose forgiveness and defends the very person who betrayed him.


His loyalty is attractive and makes us want a loyal relationship. We love the idea of grace and loyalty in relationships; it makes us feel safe and secure. Loyalty allows us to make mistakes, learn from them and not risk the security of the relationship.

7. Loving intelligent people. Watching any 007 movie, Bond has relationships with attractive, smart people. I could name most everyone in the movie as intelligent and 007 seems to enjoy matching wits with them. Bond even admires some who have out witted him like Q.

Many of the Bond women were vulnerable with him as well, yet tough spies themselves. These short lived relationships were met with vulnerable eye contact and intimate conversation. Bond had to be careful who he trusted and sometimes was burned by the women he loved.


We all have choices in our relationships, the reality of vulnerability and loss is present for any relationship. What would happen if you chose to love Skyfall style? It must be appealing due to the masses of people who went to the movie opening weekend.

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