Top Aphrodisiacs For Him & Her - Part 4
Herbal aphrodisiacs are fun. They add a new dimension to the same old, same old.

c. 2012 Susun S Weed (Expert)
Author: Down There: Sexual & Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way
Herbal aphrodisiacs are fun. They add a new dimension to the same old, same old. And they benefit our overall health, too. If you are just joining us, be sure to check out the past few installments on herbal aphrodisiacs, too, after giving this week’s stars a tumble.
Allow me to introduce you to two mild-mannered herbs who wear super-hero tights under their work clothes: from India, fenugreek and from China, shisandra. These food-like herbs won’t make you want to tear off your clothes and jump into bed with the nearest eligible human. Instead, they will become allies who help you feel sexier and healthier every day.
Our third herb, tribulus, will give you the itch, now, right now, so approach with her caution and get ready for some action.
Great-tasting fenugreek tea can improve potency for men and increase sensitivity to stimuli for women. Fenugreek is a member of the bean family, so it is rich in phyto-sterols, substances that can be converted into sex hormones in our bodies. These hormones are far safer than pharmaceutical hormone analogs, and more effective in the long run, too. Daily use of fenugreek seed tea gently alters hormones toward vibrancy and vitality, improving the entire sweep of sexuality: desire, performance, fertility, and lactation. Fenugreek is moistening, lubricating, and nourishing. It was one of the main ingredients of Lydia Pinkham’s famous “Vegetable Compound,” an herbal elixir sold in the nineteenth century for “women’s problems” including postmesopausal dryness. Fenugreek does have one side-effect: It makes body fluids smell sweet, like maple syrup. To make fenugreek tea: Put 6 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a quart jar, fill it up with boiling water, steep for no more than 20 minutes, strain, and drink freely. This brew keeps for up to a week refrigerated.
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Schizandra is a hardy vine whose “five-flavor” berries are used throughout China as an extract/tincture (1–2 dropperfuls a day) or infusion (2–4 cups a day). Like fenugreek, schizandra interacts with sexual hormones, gently nudging them toward superior functioning. Regular use increases sexual desire and improves stamina and energy in both men and women. Unlike ED drugs, schizandra berry tincture strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, nourishes the adrenals, counters inflammation, and increases sexual satisfaction.
This nasty weed, also known as bullhead, caltrop, cat’s head, devil’s eyelashes, goathead, and puncturevine, is a noxious invasive species native to Africa, Australia and southern Asia. Animals given powdered tribulus mount more frequently and for longer periods of time than those given pharmaceutical testosterone cypionate. People who take it do the same; plus they report increased satisfaction as well. Studies have been unable to confirm any effect on testosterone levels. Instead, tribulus seems to act directly on the brain (and the hormonal control glands found there) to quickly turn one’s thoughts to acts of pleasure. Additionally, it increases the release of nitric oxide from the nerve endings of the erectile tissues of the penis and clitoris. Tribulus capsules give an “itch” for orgasm to women and the power to play hard for hours to men. Men with diabetes who take 750–1500mg of tribulus daily report improvement in libido and erection.
Coming up, cunning commentary and penetrating penile insights on ways to light your fire and keep it burning for the long run. Post-menopausal women and mid-life men will also find these articles of special interest to them.
Green blessings.