10 Things Your Clients Wish You Knew

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Asking for help is hard. There is still stigma associated with asking for and receiving mental health care.Sure, people are more open about it, but for those who suffer from long-standing, chronic mental illness the stigma is there.Our clients allow us to make a living. They trust us implicitly with their hidden selves, secrets they are too afraid to admit to others in the world.Here are 10 things they wish you knew.If you build a practice to address these 10 points, what a powerful, client attractive practice you would have!1.It is hard for me to call for my first appointment and I really need help right now.2.I want someone to listen to my story and reassure me that I am not crazy.3.It takes considerable effort for me to make time to get to your office and attend therapy.I may need to take a day off from work, find a babysitter or leave my kids with a relative.4.When I am unsure about your policies and procedures regarding payment, scheduling and contacting you I get anxious and may avoid you.5.A comfortable, professionalwaiting area and office makes me feel at ease.6.Fees and expenses are less of a concern for me if I understand the benefits of my work with you.7.Sometimes a 50 minute therapy hour is not what I need, but I still want to associate with you and learn from your expertise.8.The behavior and attitude of your adminstrative staff is important in my decision to start and continue a therapeutic relationship with you.9.If you help me feel and function better, I will tell others about your wonderful services and skills.10.I have been searching for help for a a long time and really hope you are the one person who can support me now.Always, remember the best marketing is excellent customer service and respect of our clients as people who choose to work with us.Make that an easy choice for as many people as you can and your practice will thrive.