How To Create A Legacy Of Peace Every Day
You are strong enough to navigate the challenges.

Just when it looked like life might hold some semblance of normalcy, news of murder and powerful protests surfaced. Anger and grief have given us an opportunity to reconsider our life choices and find a way to create peace every single day.
We could say this is a time like no other, but that is not completely true. We have been living with pandemics, racism, sexism, wars, and other assaults to our wellness. What is different this time around?
Earth is at a perfect angle or a tipping point that allows light to reach our deepest wounds.
Most of us have had a devastating awareness of our world's pain. Trauma from all the past years is being relived. Our heartbreak is real.
In the past several years, we have witnessed a growing number of voices calling our attention to the causalities of indifference, fear, and ignorance. There are groups that speak out for the rights of animals, others that stand up against racism and sexism.
People have been stepping up and taking action for the collective all over the world.
At the same time, there are groups desperately holding onto a world that lives in a state of crisis. They want to control the water, breath, and lives of others. This has created a knot of tension and anger on Earth. Outrage and violence have reached capacity.
Right now, you're being guided to dismantle the untruths and free yourself from the affliction of fearful thoughts.
Your lesson is to learn that compassion has no boundaries.
About a month ago, one of my daughters was sharing her observation of the world. She believes that collectively, we have never stopped and fully recognized past and present crimes.
How many of us bravely and objectively look at how we move through life? Do you explore the impact you have on others? Do you consider how your ancestors lived their lives?
Only after you recognize your part in the injustice can forgiveness and healing finally begin.
Humanity is finally ready to pull the bandages off and face its deepest wounds. We are all sharing this moment of discovery.
Together, we can welcome the safety of awareness found in silence and action. This is the beginning of anchoring peace on Earth.
As you heal yourself, you help others heal. Now is the perfect time to debride your wounds and expose the trauma to the light.
One of the first active steps each of us must take is to examine what your money, lifestyle, and votes are supporting. For example, if you believe every person should be armed with a gun, you live in a world that feeds off conflict and struggle.
Take the time to follow the trail of your money. Do you inadvertently support a practice that doesn't get aligned with your beliefs?
Look at the values of your family and friends; do they match yours? Do you agree with the current politics? Be willing to look at the world and your life as something you can change!
The greatest shift comes by walking away from what isn't in alignment with your heart. Stand up for what you believe in. Others will join you.
Listen to children and the next generation.
They have freshness in their view of the world. They remind us that the real people to bring about change will not be the current politicians.
Lasting change comes from neighbors, teachers, students, friends, and you. This peaceful shift happens in silence when you listen with open hearts.
Old thought processes don't match the vibration of trust.
Know that you are a brilliant individual who has much to share with the world. Release your thoughts through creations.
Just as you have an exceptional mind, so does everybody else. Value the gifts of others. Let us honor each other in the light you share with the rest of the world.
You have what it takes to be a catalyst of love.
You are strong enough to navigate the challenges. You wouldn't be here, in this life, in this time, if you didn't plan to get involved in this huge spiritual shift toward peace and forgiveness.
Last but not least; don't hide behind being only human. You're human and you make mistakes, but you also carry a spark of the divine.
It is time for you to clear your personal wounds and forgive yourself and others. Come clean. Surrender to the divine in you and your brothers and sisters. Be guided into a refuge of limitless possibilities, compassion, and kindness.
Only with the divine can you reach our greatest potential.
You will experience a great calmness that soothes your world when you no longer live in the dark and pain. You don't need all the answers to begin building your legacy of peace and forgiveness. You just need to be willing to change.
My daughter shared a very touching story about one of her friends. This young man is a gay, white college student. He attended a peaceful protest where he was tear-gassed.
Immediately, strangers surrounded him and offered aid. It was at that moment that he felt more love and connection with fellow humans than ever before. They didn't care who or what he was; they just supported him.
We will overcome fear and violence by practicing meditation, prayer, and courageous actions for change.
This design is created to perfectly release the tragic underpinnings of chaos, loss, and other ill-conceived thought processes. You're helping to transform the Earth and other creative sectors with an energy that is bringing rapid change.
Know that many who cross over now will reincarnate quickly and be the leaders of your shift. You yourself have internal knowledge of your design of reincarnation and transformation.
It's the confusion of holding onto beliefs founded on untruths that have created the chaos on Earth. It can be cleared up just as rapidly as it began.
Surrender to thoughts that bring you peace.
Know that we are showing you the way. Powerful surges of energy are creating doorways leading to resilience and peace.
These doorways are growing larger and we are ushering in those who will not resist the truth; peace and compassion are always available to you.
Polly Wirum is an intuitive, life coach, and writer. She helps people connect to the energy of peace via an intuitive reading, life coaching, and live channeling sessions. For more information, visit her website.