Addiction, Anxiety Issues, Communication Problems, Conflict Management, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Depression, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Eating & Food Issues, Empowering Men, Empowering Women, Emptiness, Identity Issues, Infidelity / Affair Recovery, Life Transitions, Narcissistic Abuse Support, Online Dating, Personality Disorders, Phobias/OCD, Post Traumatic Stress / Trauma, Postpartum Depression, Relationships, Stress Management



Additional Expertise

Marriage and Family Therapist, Psychotherapist, Social Worker

About Nancy Serling

Nancy Serling LCSW has a Masters degree in Social Work from Columbia University and provides a full range of psychotherapy services, including individual, couples, adolescent and family counseling.

Finding the right therapist is most important when reaching out for help. Nancy provides individual counseling if you are struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, negative thinking, or major life changes. Couples/relationship counseling is available whether you are married, engaged or in a relationship of any kind, including dating/online dating experiences. 

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