How To Use Your Intuition To Find Your Soulmate And Fall In Love
Is he your soulmate?

The world of dating can be very confusing, especially with this day and age of apps and online dating.
Because there are so many choices, you inevitably decide to create a list of qualities and interests that you're looking for, but you may not realize that you're missing out on a great way to find your soulmate: using your intuition.
Without intuition, you get caught up in what you think you know in your search. The problem is that these actions are taken with your conscious mind, your ego, where finding love is a matter of the heart.
Only the heart knows what is really great for you, but the problem these days is that the mind is getting in the way. The mind’s argument can be that you can’t always trust the heart, that’s why you need to listen to your intuition.
The ultimate goal of a relationship is to teach you how to love, and in the process, there are many lessons to learn. Your heart knows of the lessons you have to learn, but your mind doesn’t.
Falling in love is the process of letting go of the ego, so how can the ego know what is really good for you? This is why the best guide is your intuition. It's aligned with your higher purpose, as is your heart.
So how do you use intuition?
First is to be open to the fact that you may need to reach a certain emotional balance to attract the right person.
Second is recognizing all the signs and messages the universe gives you, which tend to come in mysterious codes.
Third is healing yourself within the lessons to achieve higher levels of emotional balance.
On a journey to find your soulmate, the experiences you have are meant to teach you lessons on your emotional imbalances. There is always some baggage that you need to get out of the way as well as ideas that you may need to get out of the way about who your soulmate really is.
For example, you may think that your soulmate has to get along with one of your best qualities. The truth may be that you need to be challenged to develop this quality, therefore your soulmate may be meant to be very different on one big quality.
However, that will change with as you get more in touch and expand your quality through the challenges.
Intuition works mysteriously, so it is important to look for signs, connections, mysterious coincidences, feelings, etc. Once you get the hang of this, you can start trusting it and putting your ego aside.
This will lead you to make huge leaps in your journey to finding your soulmate. This process also gives you the power to stop searching. you always tend to meet people when you're not looking so hard anyway.
You are just surrendering yourself to the experience. As long as you put yourself out there, things are bound to happen. As you put the agenda of the ego aside, you stop wanting things so badly, which always ends up working against you.
In the process, it's important to use this perspective to get over obstacles. Otherwise, you may just drag yourself down for no reason. A failed date can then simply be a message for you of a deeper meaning of what you need to learn.
Sure, it's painful to experience failure, but it is important to let it pass through without judgment so you can see the meaning afterward.
Take some space and time to reflect on this with a calm mind can be very healing. If you beat yourself up over it, you may never see the meaning and will add more baggage that you’ll have to eventually get through.
Taking this perspective toward finding true love can be immensely fun and fulfilling! Then your soulmate can show up when you don’t expect, and you may only recognize this after a few dates.
Matthew Butcher has a certificate from learning the unique Awakening Dynamics system, which uses theta healing combined with awakening. The system is aimed at dissolving the ego to understand one's programmed beliefs to in turn manifest the life we always wanted, but through intuition.