3 Tips For Successfully Faking An Orgasm

Use these steps to fake it til you make it!

3 Tips For Successfully Faking An Orgasm

Sooner or later you may find yourself in need of faking an orgasm during sex. You can find yourself in this situation due to a number of complex reasons. For instance, your partner might want to have sex at a time when you are too tired. Mismatched libidos are a major culprit that can require you to have sex when you simply aren't interested. The old 'I have a headache' excuse won't work forever.

If you are going to fake an orgasm, you should be convincing. It could damage the relationship to fake an orgasm and allow your partner to know you are doing so. Here are three tips to help you fake a convincing orgasm:


1. Breathe. Take short frequent breathes during intercourse. Alternatively, you can take deep breathes and exhale slowly. Your breathes should match the pace of your lovemaking. However, your partner should notice a change in your breathing patterns.  

2. Move. You should suddenly begin moving more vigorously. If your lovemaking was at a slow pace, this is when you should speed it up. If it was already quick, try turning your head from side-to-side to imply excitement. Close your eyes or embrace your partner for added effect. 

3. Communicate. This is a great time to say something sexual or sensual. Even if you are usually silent, you can repeat your partners name to feign excitement. This is also a good time to ask your partner to climax with you — guaranteeing that once the faking is over, the sex will be too.


If done properly, your partner will finish at the same time or soon after you've had your fake orgasm. There are many variations on this formula. These are just a few basic guidelines to follow but you should customize each phase to fit your situation. Remember, no matter how you customize the experience, timing and authenticity are the key components.

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