Are You In Your 40 Or 50s And Stuck After Your Divorce? (EXPERT)

Find out the 5 top reasons why you are stuck and expect to be surprised.


So you have been married for many years and you now find yourself in your late 40s and 50s in the unexpected situation of getting a divorce. When you got married you probably thought that this would be forever, and now you probably find yourself, hurt, angry and probably a bit stunned.

I have a couple of clients in at this age who find themselves somewhat lost, somewhat bewildered - with their dreams of a perceived “stable” future as a pipe dream.


But what I tell them is that this is the start of a new chapter – a fresh start. Of course it’s daunting, anything that feels new can feel that way. However it doesn’t have to be that way. A fresh start can be exciting and the opportunity to get to know yourself better, an opportunity to do all the things you didn’t get to do when you were in the relationship, and better still, an opportunity to regain your confidence and build yourself into a stronger person. As the old adage says – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

To find out how to unstick yourself download your *FREE* copy of Goodbye Mr Ex - A Woman's Guide To Moving On.


I have found the following 5 tips to really help my clients get a second wind and use this time to

1) Look after yourself and nurture yourself either with healthy and nutritious foods such as fresh greens along with the essential intake of proteins. Avoid sugary foods as they will make you feel worse in the long run because they exaggerate the highs and lows you are currently feeling.

2) Get the right support around you. Asking for help if you feel that you cannot do it on your own is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of courage. There are experts out there who can help you, and there are workshops out there that will give you the insights you need to make your journey of moving forward easier and smoother. Why struggle when you don’t have to?

3) Take some quiet time out for you. Go do some exercise or practice yoga. Pain gets trapped in the body, and in order for you to feel better, its important to move and stretch and breathe properly. Make sure you are breathing from your diaphragm, this will help accelerate your sense of relaxation and protect your immune system that is essential to keep yourself healthy.


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4) Acknowledge your emotions and don’t push them away. Use them to your advantage and see them as your friend. Struggling to not feel will just keep you struggling. When you feel angry or upset, sit with the feelings and ask them what they are here to show you? Emotions are half-truths, so listen to what they have to say and get the learning.

5) Start planning to get all of those things done that you wanted to when you were in the relationship because you either didn’t have the time or were too scared. If you are not sure what those things are, get out a piece of paper and write down all of things that you wish you could do if time and money wasn’t an option.


A few months ago Linda aged 48 years old was really struggling to get over her ex as he left her for another woman. When she came to see me, she had been in stuck for a good six months. She was scared and fearful that she wouldn’t meet anybody again, while being angry and resentful towards him. Her relationship had consumed her and had reduced her social life to a bare minimum, her health was suffering and she felt really low.

However, once we started working together she started working through her emotions, and doing the things that she was had put off while married. 10 sessions later she has started dating and has expanded her social circle, while working towards her now becoming a coach.

In short she overcame the fear and stepped out of her comfort zone so she could springboard herself into a brighter future.

If you want to connect with me and read more of my blogs,videos and download your FREE ebook on 7 Mistakes Women Make To STOP Them Moving On please do so by going to
