Attachment Issues, Blended Family Issues, Communication Problems, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Fertility Issues, Forgiveness, Infertility, Infidelity / Affair Recovery, Life Management, Life Transitions, Marriage, Midlife Crisis, Online Dating, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Spiritual, Step Mother / Stepmom, Step Parent, Stepfamilies, Stress Management, Trust Issues, Worry



Additional Expertise

Counselor/Therapist, Dating Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Life Coach, Marriage Educator, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Relationship Coach

About Kanya Daley

The best kind of love awakens the soul…

Did you just spend the holidays trying to explain to your family why you’re still single? Maybe you’re beginning to worry that you will never meet the right person, never create the relationship you've been imagining for years? It can be difficult to talk to family and friends who just don’t understand the loneliness, frustration, and fear you are experiencing.  Your feelings are real and you aren’t alone.

Getting to Know Yourself More Deeply

First, I help women begin by creating amazing, loving relationships with themselves. You will never attract a deeply loving man until you feel worthy of that kind of love. Not just worthy in your thoughts but worthy in terms of how you treat yourself and what you allow in you life.

Next, we identify the relationship stage that stops you and help you master that stage. In Chapters 5 and 6 of my latest e-book, I identify the four relationship stages and explain why each stage is vital to creating a loving, secure relationship.

Along the way you’ll discover how men and women differ in communication and expression of feelings. Once you understand these differences you can immediately improve and deepen your relationships with all the men in your life. 

Getting to Know Him More Deeply

Everyone knows that love and attraction are vital in a relationship but few women understand what makes a man feel ready to commit. We look to men to take care of us in some ways and imagine that they need the same from us. In reality, men need something very different. Men open their hearts to us when we learn to listen deeply and respond lovingly. This is different than what most women have learned to do which is why I teach women how to do it. I’ve seen relationships change overnight when women learn to create safety in the relationship and I can help you do the same.

Call me to schedule your Attract Your Soul Mate Now session and learn more about finding and keeping love in my new e-book.

Kanya is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Private Practice in Paoli, Pennsylvania. She is a highly sought after Relationship Expert and author whose work has been syndicated by the Huffington Post and Fox News Magazine. Kanya specializes in coaching single women who are ready to create meaningful relationships and helping couples deepen their levels of intimacy and closeness. Find out more about Kanya and download her new e-book for women.

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