


Additional Expertise

Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter

About Glenn Turner

Hello there, I am Glenn Turner and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to meet people on this amazing site. I am a little different than many of the other highly successful coaches you will encounter on the site. My focus is on assisting successful people in finding success through the enhancement of professional and personal relationships and achieving an appropriate life work balance.

I help people maximize their professional and personal lives in a manner that brings them ultimately what everyone wants… Success! I define success as, the continual achievement of your own predetermined goals, stabilized by balance and purified by belief.


The ability to find appropriate life work balance can be a difficult and challenging process. Have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions?

  •  Is happiness at home possible if I have aspirations of achieving high levels of success at work?
  •  Do I have to “settle for less” at work to get what I want in my personal life?
  •  Is my success at work affecting my spouse/partner in a negative manner?
  •  I know I want a good life work balance but I do not know how to make it happen?

Essentially each of these questions relates to work life balance. Yes, you can achieve and maintain a life work balance that provides for success as you define it! Each person is unique and life balance is no different. The key to life work balance is YOU! I believe the key to achieving life work balance is found by answering the following three questions:

  1.  Who am I?
  2.  Where am I going?
  3.  What are my action steps to make it happen?

I provide assistance by guiding the people I am fortunate enough to work with through a developmental process designed to answer each of those three important questions. There must be a focus on both the professional and personal side. Do you have a success plan for both your personal life and professional life? My passion is helping others achieve success!


Equally important to achieving life work balance is the enhancement of professional and personal relationships. Success will be impossible to achieve without the ability to initiate, develop and maintain relationships of the highest quality.
Relationships are necessary in order to maximize our professional and personal lives. Relationships are crucial to success. Being understood and understanding others is a focus that will allow for relationships to be cultivated and maximized. Do any of the following resonate with you?


  •  Do I communicate as effectively as possible with peers and superiors at work?
  •  Do I communicate as effectively as possible with my friends, relatives and spouse/partner/lover?
  •  Do I have a plan for maintaining relationships?
  •  Do I understand the How/What and Why of my decisions?

Interpersonal skills are capable of being improved yet few people seek to actually accomplish this. Are you one of the few? Do you communicate as a parent, a child or an adult? Each of the three is appropriate in a given circumstance. The key word is appropriate. Click here for a free survey to see how you communicate in each of the three areas!

Contact me for free information regarding assessments that may assist you in building stronger more effective relationships. I have assessments that help you to understand yourself and others. Understanding is a key component of effective communication.

Executive Coaching

Time Management


Sales Performance

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