Abandonment, Abortion Issues, Abuse / Survivors of Abuse, ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety Issues, Attachment Issues, Blended Family Issues, Body Image, Chronic Pain/Disability or Illness, Codependency, Communication Problems, Control Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Diabetes, Divorce Rehabilitation, Domestic Abuse, Eating & Food Issues, Empowering Men, Emptiness, Energy Psychology, Family Support, Health/Wellness, Life Management, Marriage, Men's Issues, Midlife Crisis, Mood Swings, Parenting, Post Traumatic Stress / Trauma, Postpartum Depression, Pregnancy & Birthing, Religious, Religious Issues, Self-Esteem, Sexuality, Spiritual, Step Father / Stepdad, Step Mother / Stepmom, Step Parent, Stepfamilies, Stress Management, Trust Issues, Weightloss/ Management, Wellness, Workplace Issues, Worry



Additional Expertise

Counselor/Therapist, Dating Coach, Life Coach, Marriage Educator, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Relationship Coach, Sex Coach, Sex Educator, Sex Therapist, Social Worker, Speaker/Presenter, Spiritual Coach, Spiritual Healer

About Jillian Frazin

My name is Jillian Frazin, and I am an Energy Healer and Psychotherapist. I offer Divine Life Activations (a form of energy medicine) and psychotherapy to help you release tension, pain, and trauma from the body. You will discover a new found sense of innocence, boundaries, empowerment, vitality and passion for life.

My primary passions:

1) I help children and adults with trauma and attachment disorders to clear an intrinsic sense of isolation, shame, guilt, and depression.  You will discover, or perhaps experience for the first time, a felt sense of being deeply loved so that your empowerment and celebration of life can truly blossom.

2) Through my parental coaching and care for you as a parent, I help you to feel that your love is “good enough” to bless your child with everything your child needs to be whole again.

3) I help women and men, whether you are in a relationship or not, to overcome the shame and dis-empowerment that comes from trauma and sexual woundings so that you can feel deep self-acceptance, self love and the empowerment to enter a healthy and beautiful “lover” relationship free of shame.

My work has evolved through my own recovery from trauma, abuse and depression that began in my early childhood. After many years of traditional psychotherapy, my depression did not clear until I received regular energy healing and and learned to take responsibility for my energy field. I discovered that I was “giving away” my energy and joy, disconnecting from source, and I was taking on the pain of the people I loved around me.

I had to learn to have boundaries in which I could kick out energetic invasions, cut energy chords to people and dysfunctional situations, heal the parts of me that attracted unhealthy interpersonal dynamics, and cultivate my connection to source.  In my own mastery of this work, with me as the primary client, I have re-discovered my joy, innocence, empowerment and healthy love in my life. Now, I have this gift to give to “children of all ages” so that they can blossom into their greatest empowerment and celebration of life.

I specialize in the treatment of:

1) PTSD – Learn about who experiences PTSD, the causes and symptoms, and how Divine Life Activations can help you return to a natural state of peace.  If you or someone you love is experiencing PTSD, what feels like a chronic condition, can actually be completely cleared.
2) Sexual Wounding - If you have experienced sexual abuse, assault or rape, it may feel like you have been damaged forever. Through Divine Life Activations, you can reclaim your sense of wholeness, innocence and beauty. If you could undo the past, would you?

3) Depression and Fatigue – Depression and fatigue is a signal from the body that  something is wrong in your body, thoughts or life situation.  And, this signal can guide you to its resolution.

4) Relationship Problems – Couples can struggle with feeling truly heard, understood and loved by their partners. My techniques are body-centered and will help you to create new patterns for how to deal with challenges in your relationship as they come.  This approach helps to bring in the qualities that your partner has been wanting from you, and you have been wanting from them.

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