Pent Up Fear = Major Energy Drain...

Release pent-up fear before it takes over your life and leaves you wiped!


Chances are most of us have felt super wiped out, drained from the inside out – the kind of wiped that takes over every part of us throughout the entire day and leaves us feeling ruined and overwhelmed… the kind of wiped that we wish would go away NOW, so that we could do something that matters, fun or not – anything other than blah…

Well, guess what? You are most likely suffering from a HUGE dose of PENT-UP FEAR.


Pent-up fear empties our energy tank fast. It leaves us feeling like there is nowhere to go. FROZEN, SMALL, DEAD. And if it persists, fear turns into UGLY inaction. Trust me on this one… (embarrassed smile).

Good news alert!! I am a fear buster (ha! Just making sure you’re paying attention!) But, there are steps you can take to recognize and release pent-up fear TODAY.

And, you don’t have to do it all at once. Small steps done consistently works best for most of us.

Here are some simple tips that help you let go of pent-up fears so you can increase your energy and feel your absolute best vibrant self…


MOVE – Stand up, go on a brisk walk, go to the gym (unless you hate gyms), go on a run, do yoga, do the Hokey Pokey (my favorite). It should be your go-to exercise that helps you release any stored up anxiety in your body.

MEDITATE – Take a moment to get quiet and breathe deeply – many people have an image of sitting criss-cross applesauce and chanting in order to be successful at meditating. It doesn’t matter how long you meditate or how you sit. Just focus on being relatively comfortable, breathing deeply, and being present. Some people need silence for that, some people need relaxing music, some need white noise, some need to lie down. I have done it all the”wrong” ways and it still works. (Check out mobile apps Calm and Headspace)

WRITE down your thoughts – Take 5 minutes or more to brain dump any fear that you are feeling. You may not even know where it’s coming from, but just start somewhere and write everything that comes out of you. It WILL help you get more clarity about what you can do to release the fear. You’ll feel lighter after the dump (I already regret typing that).

Take a DANCE break – Pick a fun, high energy song and dance like crazy! Recommended option – sing while you dance. I DareU! It’s so crazy playful to sing and dance… I’ve heard!


Allow yourself to BE WITH THE FEAR – Without trying to change it. Feel it all the way. If you cry, tremble, fall to your knees, so be it. If you get angry, pissed off, overwhelmed, so be it. Let yourself feel everything as fully as you can without fueling it or without sweeping it under the rug. The fear will begin to dissipate if you stay with it. It’s like riding a wave of emotion.

Remind yourself  YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS.

Bonus pent-up fear buster: Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Love IS real. Always and Forever.

Fear is a feeling in everyone’s life and sometimes it gets the best of us. The key is to remember not to let it rule your life. You want to stay open to feelings that increase the beautiful and dynamic you… the stunningly successful one-of-a-kind YOU. The best YOU, who wants to love big, wide and all the way.


You MUST release the pent-up fear to create the space for all the good stuff that’s waiting for you.

It’s simple, not always easy but simple… Simply Shrocking.


P.S. So the DareU™: Emotional Intelligence on the go! is a real app that’ll help you get closer to be being your most creative and brilliant self more of the time. Download it here.