I DareU™ To Feel…

Remain open to feeling everything and approaching feelings with curiosity.


It is my intention and my mission to help you feel even more than you do now.

Your feelings are an indicator of everything and they help steer you in the right direction. I know when you’re feeling a big ole dose of anger, you may not be thinking that you’re being pushed in the right direction, but that anger you’re feeling is letting you know that you need to let some stuff out or clear a long standing issue from your past.


Your anger is helping to guide you to let that sh** go and to choose to move toward the feelings you love, like contentment, and joy, and excitement and to feel it more of the time.

And, your feelings are nothing to fear. If you remain open to feeling everything and approaching your feelings with curiosity, you’ll learn a ton about what is really going on underneath it all. The thing is EVERYONE feels all kinds of emotions on any given day at any given moment. You are not a freak because you get mad. Everyone does. How you approach it makes a big shift in what happens next.

Your feelings are a big giant gift that keep on giving so you can steer your life to be magnificent beyond your wildest dreams.


So today, I DareU™ to feel all of your feelings. Just let them be what they are so you can find what you need to resolve.

One last thing for today… feelings are not facts. Many of your feelings are based on limited or distorted information. Feel the feeling, but don’t marry it. Let it be, and when you are ready, set it free. You will never ever run out of feelings, and that my friend is a good thing. Promise.

It’s simple. Not always easy, but simple. Simply Shrocking.



P.S. Share this email with a friend so they too can experience the DareU™: Emotional Intelligence on the go! Spread the love with everyone you know and help increase a friend’s EQ.
