
Why Men Are Hunters & How You Can Attract Them

I was driving through West Hollywood last weekend. For those of you who don't know West Hollywood, it's boy's town. 

So, I'm driving through boy's town with a friend of mine. We're looking out the window and I say, "Look at all this male energy." Men, no matter if they're straight or gay, go out on a Friday and Saturday night and hunt.

They hunt in packs. You'll always see five or six of them together on the prowl. They're hungry, they're hunting, and they're not going to stop until they've caught their prey.

It's hilarious to watch. They'll stand there staring and drooling at women because that hunter mentality is embedded deep with us. Since cavemen days, men want to hunt. In many ways, that's what we're born to do.

Men love to hunt—and, women, you're the prey.

Of course, you don't always want to be hunted, especially by a pack of drunk guys on a Saturday night. But, what about the times you do want men to approach you? How do you make yourself stand out in a crowd?

Here's the trick. You need to turn on your sexual energy. Just like a wolf notices the scent of its prey, men notice a woman's sexual energy. We can tell whether you want us to approach you, and it attracts us to you. Now, you're thinking "Well, how do I turn on my sexual energy, David?" Let me tell you.

You have to open yourself up. Make yourself approachable, and think sexually. That doesn't mean throwing yourself at guys. Just thinking about sex makes you radiate sexual energy. Think about how great it is to have an orgasm. Imagine how amazing sex with someone you care about feels. Think about how fantastic it feels when a man does everything he can to give you toe-curling pleasure. And, smile. Watch how many more men approach you when you smile.

A word of warning here: be careful if you turn on your sexual energy around groups of guys. Remember, guys hunt in packs. You'll find one guy will lead the pack over, and start hitting on you to validate to the others in his group. He's showing off. He's trying to prove to his group he can get with you. It's an intense situation, overflowing with male energy, and you don't want to go there.

You want to put your sexual energy out there when men are alone. That way, if he approaches you, you can be sure he's interested in you and not impressing his friends. If you're switched on, and he's interested in you, you'll be able to feel it right away. He'll want to grab you by the hair, drag you off to his cave, and conquer you—just like it used to be in cavemen days. 

You want to meet a real man? Go out and turn that sexual energy on during the day. Turn it on when you go out at night and see a lone guy. Remember, you're a strong, sexy woman, but a man will only hunt you if you want to be his prey!

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