Why Plastic Surgeons Want You To Feel BAD About Yourself (& What To Do INSTEAD)

Real confidence isn't conditional upon how you look.

plastic surgery self esteem

What could you do with 16 billion dollars? Help with hurricane relief efforts? Use it to help eradicate disease or famine?

It’s a considerable amount of money and could be used in a number of ways to help people in need.

In contrast, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Americans spent more than 16 billion dollars in 2016 on cosmetic surgery.

Is this money well spent? If it is used for reconstructive purposes to repair damage caused by injury or disease, then certainly I would say its money well spent. If going under the knife is what you think will boost your confidence, I believe there are far better and less expensive alternatives.


However, confidence is what plastic surgeons try to sell you — as if confidence was a byproduct of your appearance.

Their ads prey on your insecurity and offer you a quick fix to feel better about yourself. You see the "before and after" pictures where before the woman looks sad and depressed ... and after the physical alteration, she is seen smiling with confidence.

So, why not do without the alteration and just put on the smile?

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Unfortunately, we live in a culture that is obsessed with beauty perfection. There are television commercials selling all kinds of products to give you fabulous makeup, shinier hair, thinner thighs, clearer skin and of course the plastic surgeons who can physically alter your appearance to fit the ideal beauty perfection.


The implicit message is: You’re not good enough as you are, so let’s renovate you.

All these products and procedures give the illusion they will improve your life. But with all of this to improve your life, why are there just as many commercials targeting women for antidepressants? Why are so many women suffering from eating disorders?

If happiness can be found in a skin cream or an office procedure, then why aren't people happy?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, but is how you appear on the outside a true reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside?

Or is all the stuff you put on or have surgically-altered just masking a deeper sense of insecurity? After all, If you’re getting cosmetic surgery done to boost your confidence, it’s not real confidence.


It’s conditional confidence.

It’s confidence that is now dependant on the physical change you had made. Reverse the procedure and what are you left with?

Self-esteem is just that — self-esteem. It’s the belief in your own self-worth and confidence that comes from within. It’s loving and accepting yourself completely as you are, as you were created to be. It’s not based on something external, or something you can inject or have surgically implanted. 


True confidence is radiated through your spirit. It comes through in your smile which comes from loving who you are on the inside.

Of course, if you believe having such a procedure done will increase your confidence, it will. But that confidence will likely not last long.

If you believe it will get you more attention, it likely will…..but what kind? You are what you believe so I would argue it’s your belief that having the procedure will give you confidence that does so. But over time that confidence may fade because the original insecurity that you are masking still lurks beneath.



Here are few ideas on how to begin building your self-esteem without having to shell out thousands for a surgical remedy:

1. Ask others who know you what they appreciate about you.

Those close to you appreciate you for who you are. Don’t be afraid to ask them what they like about you. 

These are the qualities they see in you. Take note of what they say and create a list of affirmations from what you gather.

2. Volunteer your time.

Helping others gives you the opportunity to focus on something other than yourself. People will appreciate you for your efforts and you will likely make some new friends in the process. Helping others in need can also fill you with a sense of gratitude for what you have.


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3. Steer away from media and magazines.

People in the real world don’t look like the cast of your favorite TV show or movie.

Many of the photos in beauty magazines are Photoshopped and therefore are fake. Get out into the real world and look around you. Certainly, there are plenty of confident, self-assured people of all shapes and sizes.

4. Go without makeup for a week. 

Try going about your normal routine without any makeup on.

Go to work, school or wherever you normally go in your daily routine and don’t even mention to anyone what you’re doing. This is a low-risk way to see how others will react to the natural you. Based on many women who I know who have done this, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.


5. Invest in personal development.

There are a number of self-help books that will help you build your self-esteem, Read more than one,

Read several. You can also get help from a professional therapist or coach who can help you rework you’re your inner dialogue and self-perception, tap into your true power and beauty from within, define and live your life purpose and become fully confident is the skin you were born with.

Consider what you will be remembered for when your life concludes.

Have you ever been to a funeral and heard anyone being eulogized for what they looked like? Probably not. That’s because how you look has nothing to do with who you are, whose lives you will touch or what your legacy will be. Invest in your future. That will certainly be money well-spent.


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Craig Nielson serves as a Professional Coach, speaker, and educator helping women who feel insecure with self-doubt to becoming fully empowered with self-confidence. Learn more and get a free consultation and e-book at MyInternalImage.com.