Have An Affair With Your Partner

Make your significant other want to stay, not stray.


Whether you are married or in a committed monogamous relationship, finding out that your partner had a scandalous affair with another person is extremely painful. Any form of infidelity leads to an enormous amount of emotional pain in all areas, trust issues, and possible risk of STD’s.

The majority of affairs stem from boredom, financial issues, stress, sexual malfunction, and curiosity. Both men and woman have affairs for different reason. If you are in a committed relationship and can feel your partner pulling away, try having an “affair” with your own partner. It may save your relationship.


Make them stay not stray. The following fun ideas may bring a little spice into your life:

1) Role Play

People have affairs with other people, so for one night try and become some one else. The act of role playing is playing the role of someone you are not. Why not dress differently (buy an outfit you would never wear in public or wear something you have always wanted to wear), wear a wig, or become a fictional character your partner enjoys watching. You will be surprised how stepping out of your every day role, will arouse your mate. You may lesson the chances of him or her looking elsewhere for someone else when you can secretly become the person they may want.


2) Text

Texting is not just for teenagers anymore. Do not get obsessive and over text your partner. Stop texting about everyday stresses or issues with the children unless it is an emergency. If you are going to send a text during the work day, get a little risqué and raunchy. People who have office affairs turn to co-workers to escape the every day annoyance of life. Stop being the annoyance and become the desire. You decide what words or pictures you want to send in your text. Guarantee with less stress during the day and more intimacy and seduction, your partner will be leaving work early to come home to you.

3) No Phone Calls at Work

Stop calling your partner during the day. Period! Unless there is an emergency, keep your focus on yourself. Get busy and be a little mysterious. Work has its own stresses, don’t add to it. Be the person your partner wants to call to talk to and the person they need to vent to. Don’t become the one they want to vent about!


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4) Reinvent Yourself

Do YOU! Focus on yourself in all areas you need to fix. Take up a hobby, go back to school, start a food plan, start exercising. Anything you can do to better yourself will increase your confidence. Everyone is drawn to a confident person. You may find your partner notice a difference in you and want to be with you more.

5) Get Creative With Your Sex Life

Find something new you are comfortable with and approach your partner to try it. Or fulfill a fantasy your partner has always had. Stay in reason, read books, watch videos, or talk to your closest friends. A creative, inventive sex lives make us more desirable. Be your own mistress and your own scoundrel by having your own affair with your own partner. You will be pleasantly surprised with yourself, and may have opened doors to many new bedroom adventures!


6) Set Up A Schedule

Set up specific times to talk about money, children, bills and work. Allow eachother down time and space to unwind. The majority of people who have limited extra stress during the work day, are confident, mysterious, and have an incredible sex life... have no reason to stray. Make them WANT to stay by trying these tricks.
