How To Be Happy When You're Feeling Stuck (In 3 Simple Steps)

Don't let yourself get stuck.

How To Be Happy & Change Your Life When You’re Feeling Stuck getty

Are you feeling stuck and wondering how to be happy? Feet glued to the floor and a lack of movement in your life?

We have all been there. Those are the times when we so desperately want to feel something different, see a new perspective, and move towards change. But, no matter how hard we try, how much talking or doing, we stay stuck in the same space.

One thing you need to know is that your life will change. Thus, you can learn how to change your life, get unstuck, and find happiness again.


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Most of the time, potent energy has a grasp on different aspects of our lives. So, we may feel stuck in our relationship, career, or health and the same questions keep coming back to review over and over again.


Maybe we thought we found the answer, but the same issues keep rearing its head, keeping us stuck and preventing us from finding happiness.

Clients come to me all the time with a feeling of being stuck in their lives — stuck in the feeling of nothing new, same problem, same old thing, same patterns, and same emotions.

We crave passion, aliveness, and answers to questions that we know hold the key to our well-being. We desire to take the next step but we are unclear as to what direction to go so we stay right where we are.

Feet planted, motionless, feeling stuck. How can you change your life, then?


There are 4 patterns to this cycle.

  • The pain of where you are.
  • The desperate feeling of needing something life-changing to happen.
  • The defeat felt from a lack of clarity on how to be happy with your life again and what to even do about it.
  • This leads back to the pain of reality.

This cycle keeps you stuck. It is the resistance felt when you recognize where you are, the effort put forth in trying to create change and the combination of resistance and effort in the defeat from the lack of clarity phase — resistance to what is and the effort to make it not so.

Resistance and effort cause energy to become paralyzed. There is no movement when you are in either of these energies. It is only in neutrality that energy can flow and you can create change and heal.

Think about times when you so desperately wanted something. Like that old saying states, you will not find your dream partner if you are desperately seeking them, only when you are content within yourself will they appear.


This doesn’t mean we sit back and do nothing. It does mean when we have our attention inside ourselves and accept what allows energy to flow. We then have access to our wisest self, our inner wisdom that informs our mind of what actions to take.

When we are in the survival energy of resistance or effort, we are cut off from our wise minds, intuition, and our spiritual communication. We cling on to what we want, hoping that will save us and we push away what is because of the pain.

So, if you want to change your life, get unstuck, and find happiness, here are 3 steps you need to take.

1. Be neutral

Neutrality is not agreeing with what is. It is simply having the ability to observe it for what it really is without judgment or emotion, just to see it.


This simple act is the first step to creating change in your life and getting unstuck. We don’t have to like what we see but we need to be real with ourselves and acknowledge the truth. How do we cultivate neutrality to support change?

Neutrality is an energy state and creates a sensation in the body.

  • Imagine bringing the energy of resistance into your space. What does it feel like? What color is it? How does it make you feel?
  • Imagine bringing the energy of effort into your space. What does it feel like? What color is it? How does it make you feel?
  • Imagine bringing the energy of neutrality into your space, your body. What does it feel like? What color is it? How does it make you feel?

What are the differences in the energies as you experience them? These simple ways of relating to being stuck can help you shift your experience instantaneously.

When you are neutral, you have access to more information. You see clearly and can find new perspectives followed by answers and action you can take to support your desire for change.


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2. Forgive and let go

After you see neutrally for what it is, you have a choice. You can hold on to whatever puts you into resistance and effort...or release it and let it go.

Sometimes, our minds can be so busy with why we shouldn’t let go, how holding on will keep us safe, or brings justice. Our minds are meant to do this. They want us safe and alive. Emotions can trigger thoughts that keep us in this stuck pattern.

And it can be simple. Imagine that which you desire to release as a color, a sensation, a vibration. Imagine all of that energy to flow outside of your body, out of your energy system and release it. You will find yourself feeling lighter and happier.


3. Know what you want to create, where you want to go, and what your first step is

Imagine the vibration, sensation, feeling that you want to experience in your new growth. When you become unstuck what do you want it to look like?

Imagine the color or even a picture that represents your next step. Bring it into the body. Let it saturate your energy system.

Even if you do not have clear intellectual steps to take, trust that you have your answer and imagine that color to support you on your path of moving from being stuck to becoming fluid.


We are more capable than we know. Our imagination is limitless and powerful. When we allow ourselves to be in a state of flow, we can heal and create extraordinary lives.

RELATED: 10 Ways To Get 'Unstuck' & Start Creating The Life You Really Want

Aimee Leigh is an Intuitive Clairvoyant Teacher, Mentor, and Author who has been working with clients and students for almost two decades supporting them on their paths of finding clarity, fulfillment, trusting themselves, and developing their own intuition to live extraordinary lives.