320 Would You Rather Questions For The Best Game Night Ever

Would you rather...?

friends asking would you rather questions during game night Getty 

'Would you rather' questions are a really good way to spark conversation. When they are good questions, you can really get into it and discuss what you prefer and why.

Sometimes it just takes one wacky 'would you rather' question to break the ice and make you both feel more comfortable with each other.

It's amazing because these questions can expose your similarities and differences really quickly, while also telling you more and more about the people you're playing the game with.


RELATED: 26 Impossible Would You Rather Questions For Food Lovers

We've put together many categories of 'would you rather' questions that will spark all sorts of conversation. Just remember that you have to also be ready to answer the same question when you ask it!


Easy 'Would You Rather' Questions

1. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date night?

2. Would you rather get up early or stay up late?

3. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out yourself?

4. Would you rather be rich and famous or just rich?


5. Would you rather spend the day inside or outside?

6. Would you rather watch a comedy or horror movie?

7. Would you rather lose the ability to hear or lose the ability to see?

8. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?

9. Would you rather go to a dive bar or fancy bar?

10. Would you rather be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or be single for the rest of your life?

11. Would you rather be happy and content but not rich or never be satisfied but have a lot of money?

12. Would you rather find true love or win the lottery?

13. Would you rather spend $5,000 on traveling or on a physical item?

14. Would you rather wear comfortable clothes or fashionable clothes?


15. Would you rather work in an office doing paperwork or outside building something (assuming the pay is the same)?

16. Would you rather volunteer at a homeless shelter or be a tutor for underprivileged kids?

17. Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?

18. Would you rather be the absolute ruler in a tiny country or an important politician among many other important politicians in a large powerful country?

19. Would you rather work a morally questionable job that makes a lot of money or a job that helps a lot of people but doesn’t make much money?

20. Would you rather not shower for a week or not brush your teeth for a week?


21. Would you rather be waited on hand-foot by a jealous partner or split chores 50/50 with a trusting partner?

22. Would you rather have another 10 years with your partner or a one-night stand with your celebrity crush?

23. Would you rather get matching piercings or get matching tattoos?

24. Would you rather jog in the daytime together or take strolls at night?

25. Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?

26. Would you rather cuddle by a fireplace when it's snowing or cuddle in bed on a rainy day?

27. Would you rather date someone much older or much younger than you?

28. Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?


29. Would you rather have a partner who wears black all the time or who wears a lot of brightly colored clothes?

30. Would you rather have a partner who’s an extrovert or one who’s an introvert?

31. Would you rather meet your partner’s siblings first or their closest friends first?

32. Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?

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33. Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or give up the Internet for the rest of your life?

34. Would you rather labor under a hot sun or extreme cold?

35. Would you rather have a partner that always looks nice or a partner that always smells nice?

36. Would you rather your partner had really long hair or no hair at all?

37. Would you rather your partner be one who’s very popular on social media or one who’s very popular in real life?

38. Would you rather be with someone who’s always really late or who’s always really early?

39. Would you rather buy 10 things you don’t need every time you go shopping or always forget the one thing that you need when you go to the store?


40. Would you rather have a partner with an infectious smile or an infectious laugh?

41. Would you rather video call all day or text each other all night?

42. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?

43. Would you rather have a partner who loves to spend a lot or a partner who never splurges?

44. Would you rather go skydiving or mountain climbing?

45. Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?

46. Would you rather have a partner who’s a foodie or a partner who hardly ever eats?

47. Would you rather have a partner who takes a lot of selfies or one who takes a lot of pictures of you?


48. Would you rather laugh at everything or never laugh?

49. Would you rather be an extra in an Oscar-winning movie or the lead in a box office bomb?

50. Would you rather earn more than your significant other or have them earn more than you?

51. Would you rather everyone do things for you because they're scared of you or be loved by all but have to do everything on your own?

52. Would you rather only be awake from 3am to noon every day or from midnight to 9am?

53. Would you rather go to the movies alone or go to dinner alone?

54. Would you rather work an overtime shift with your annoying boss or spend full day with your mother-in-law?

55. Would you rather give up on your favorite food for three months or not see your partner for three months?


56. Would you rather have a really small wedding or a really big wedding?

57. Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?

58. Would you rather go jogging together or go to the gym together?

59. Would you rather be proposed to in public or be proposed to in private?

60. Would you rather write love letters for your significant other or write them a song?

61. Would you rather be with someone who has 10 pets or one who doesn’t want any pets?

62. Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life?

63. Would you rather only make DIY gifts or only buy gifts?

64. Would you rather your significant other was an atheist or was a very religious person?


65. Would you rather go somewhere sunny for vacation or go somewhere really cold?

66. Would you rather never have to pay for groceries or never have to pay for gas?

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67. Would you rather give your partner a foot massage or a back massage?

68. Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?


69. Would you rather build a snowman together or roll around in the snow together?

70. Would you rather watch the sunrise every day or the sunset every day?

71. Would you rather get something expensive and precious for your significant other or something cheap but very thoughtful?

72. Would you rather be with someone who loves PDA or someone who doesn't show affection at all?

73. Would you rather spend the entire day together but sleep separately or not see each other during the day but sleep next to each other at night?

74. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?


75. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat?

76. Would you rather be with someone with a lot of class or someone with a lot of affluence?

77. Would you rather get to spend every holiday with family or every birthday with family?

78. Would you rather have to FaceTime every call or only be able to text?

79. Would you rather oversleep every day for a week or not get any sleep at all for four days?

80. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or live to 100 with a lot of regrets?

81. Would you rather never leave your hometown or never go back to it again?

82. Would you rather take amazing selfies but look terrible in all other photos or be photogenic everywhere but in your selfies?


83. Would you rather your partner forget your birthday every year or your anniversary every year?

84. Would you rather be gassy on a first date or your wedding night?

85. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear every conversation about you?

86. Would you rather lose all of your friends but keep your BFF or lose your BFF but keep the rest of your friends?

87. Would you rather ride bikes side by side or take long walks side by side?

88. Would you rather only be able to take selfies or only be able to use a photo booth?

89. Would you rather have people spread a terrible lie about you or have people spread terrible but true tales about you?


90. Would you rather be allergic to the sun or allergic to water?

91. Would you rather be amazing at something that no one takes seriously or be terrible at something well respected?

92. Would you rather win $25,000 or your best friend win $100,000?

93. Would you rather have a long-distance relationship or be inseparable from your partner?

94. Would you rather be in history books for something terrible or be forgotten completely after you die?

95. Would you rather travel the world for free for a year or have $50,000 to spend however you please?

96. Would you rather be able to understand animals or be fluent in every language?

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97. Would you rather never age physically or never be able to have more money in your bank account than you have right now?

98. Would you rather be alone all your life or only be able to talk to the people you dislike the most?

99. Would you rather only be able to swim in the ocean for the rest of your life or only in pools?

100. Would you rather give up your cellphone for a month or bathing for a month?

101. Would you rather be a travel influencer that makes no money but can travel for free or only be able to travel one week of the year?

102. Would you rather have to wear heels everywhere or have to wear flip-flops everywhere?

103. Would you rather be beautiful and stupid or unattractive but a genius?


104. Would you rather work the job you have now for a year at double your current rate of pay or have one year off with what you are making now?

105. Would you rather be always stuck in traffic but find a perfect parking spot or never hit traffic but always take forever to park?

106. Would you rather your partner had a job that was life-threatening or a job that took up a lot of their time?

107. Would you rather only be able to watch TV series for the rest of your life or only be able to watch movies for the rest of your life?

108. Would you rather ask your ex or a total stranger for a favor?

109. Would you rather have all of your messages and photos leak publicly or never use a cellphone ever again?


110. Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?

111. Would you rather be the funniest person in a room or the smartest person in a room?

112. Would you rather listen to your least-favorite song on a loop for a year or never listen to any music at all for a year?

113. Would you rather people knew all the details of your finances or all the details of your love life?

114. Would you rather date a chef or date a massage therapist?

115. Would you rather hear a comforting lie or an uncomfortable truth?

116. Would you rather someone see all the photos in your phone or read all your text messages?

117. Would you rather have to hunt and gather all of your food or eat fast food for every meal?


118. Would you rather be with someone who needs your attention 24/7 or something who never texts or calls you first?

119. Would you rather only be able to read physical books for the rest of your life or only listen to audiobooks?

120. Would you rather live in the penthouse of a high-rise apartment building or a studio apartment on the beach?

121. Would you rather live in the mountains or on a deserted island?

RELATED: The Hardest 'Would You Rather?' Questions To Ask Each Zodiac Sign

Flirty 'Would You Rather' Questions

122. Would you rather only get kissed on the cheeks or only get kissed on the lips?

123. Would you rather your ex date your best friend or your arch enemy?


124. Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good-looking?

125. Would you rather date a mermaid or a centaur?

126. Would you rather your partner be overly sweet or overly sexual?

127. Would you rather date someone who is jealous but hard-working or trusting but lazy?

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128. Would you rather date someone with no emotions or someone who is highly emotional?


129. Would you rather be with someone who hates all your favorite food or hates all your favorite hobbies?

130. Would you rather only follow your heart when making decisions or only follow your head?

131. Would you rather meet someone on a dating app or in person?

132. Would you rather only be able to communicate through emojis or never be able to text again?

133. Would you rather always have to sleep naked or never be able to sleep naked?

134. Would you rather your partner be friends with all of his exes or always speak badly about them?

135. Would you rather only experience unrequited love or never know what it feels like to love someone?

136. Would you rather only be physically attracted to your partner or only emotionally attracted to your partner?


137. Would you rather never know what heartbreak feels like or never know what love feels like?

138. Would you rather marry someone who provides financially but is always at work or someone who doesn't make any money but is always there for family?

139. Would you rather marry someone who wants 10 kids or someone who wants no kids?

140. Would you rather date a homebody or a party animal?

141. Would you rather play Spin The Bottle with your crush or 7 Minutes In Heaven with your crush?

142. Would you rather be able to read your partner's mind or never know what they're thinking?

143. Would you rather have breakfast in bed or a fancy candlelit dinner?


144. Would you rather be on a survival reality show or a dating reality show?

145. Would you rather your family hated your partner or your friends hated your partner?

146. Would you rather be with someone you're afraid to lose or someone you're not afraid to lose?

147. Would you rather be with someone overly optimistic or someone overly pessimistic?

148. Would you rather tease your significant other with suggestive words or tease your significant other with suggestive actions?

149. Would you rather be with someone who likes you more than you like them or someone you like more than they like you?

150. Would you rather be really similar to a partner or completely different?


151. Would you rather be with a jealous partner or a distant one?

152. Would you rather get a flattering statement from your ex or get a flattering statement from a stranger?

153. Would you rather your partner be a great cook and messy around the house or a horrible cook but neat?

154. Would you rather be known as someone who dresses to kill or be known as a smooth talker?

155. Would you rather be with someone who says all the right words or someone who touches you in all the right places?

156. Would you rather have someone rich hit on you or have someone famous hit on you?

157. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or has bad breath?

158. Would you rather be with a partner who never shaves or one who never cuts their toenails?


159. Would you always sweat profusely when talking to your crush or constantly forget what you were going to say?

160. Would you rather get married and never have kids or have kids and never get married?

161. Would you rather have a fling with your high school crush or with your celebrity crush?

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162. Would you rather hit on a married person or be married and have someone hit on you?


163. Would you rather meet the love of your life in high school and only be with them or at 50 after living a full life?

164. Would you rather never have sex or never find love?

165. Would you rather go on vacation with other couples or go only with your significant other?

166. Would you rather be with a partner who is an influencer on social media or have a partner who has no social media at all?

167. Would you rather have a partner who never hugs you or a partner who never kisses you?

168. Would you rather be able to read your partner’s mind or feel their emotions?

169. Would you rather be a famous movie star couple or a power business couple?

170. Would you rather be in a long-distance relationship with the love of your life or in a normal relationship with someone you do not love?


171. Would you rather end an argument unresolved or argue all day to resolve the conflict?

172. Would you rather stay in love with the same person forever or never experience love at all but have many partners?

173. Would you rather be the side chick to someone you love or be the main person to someone you just like?

174. Would you rather be in lust forever or in love forever?

175. Would you rather have an extra independent partner or an extra dependent one?

176. Would you rather shower your partner with gifts or shower your partner with money?

177. Would you rather be with someone who never says 'I love you' but always shows it or someone who always says 'I love you' but doesn't show it?


178. Would you rather have an experienced partner or an inexperienced one?

179. Would you rather hook up every other night with someone new for a year or stay alone for a year?

180. Would you rather have a one-night stand with the love of your life but never a relationship or never be with them?

181. Would you rather become successful apart or be failures together?

182. Would you rather have frequent bad sex or no sex at all?

183. Would you rather have a soulmate who is clingy and is always with you or a soulmate who never has time to spend with you?

184. Would you rather get a sexy text or a love letter?

185. Would you rather fall in love with someone who had 100 partners before you or someone who is a virgin?


186. Would you rather cheat with an ex or with a total stranger?

187. Would you rather your partner cheat on you with an ex or with a total stranger?

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188. Would you rather have sex once or week or every day of the week?

189. Would you rather only be able to text with emojis or only be able to text with memes?


190. Would you rather sex with your partner last 2 minutes or 2 hours every time?

191. Would you rather never have sex again or never kiss again?

192. Would you rather exchange a quick kiss with a co-worker or with your boss?

193. Would you rather be intimate in the morning or at night?

194. Would you rather be the most sought after or have the most sought-after person as a partner?

195. Would you rather be with a quiet or passionate lover?

196. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with your ex or your partner's ex?

197. Would you rather kiss your partner in front of their parents or kiss your partner in front of their friends?

198. Would you rather have your dream job or dream partner?

199. Would you rather your parent's approval of your partner or your friends' approval?

200. Would you rather write your own wedding vows or have generic vows?

201. Would you rather admit your feelings to a friend or keep them bottled up?

202. Would you rather light candles all over the bedroom or scatter roses all over the bed?

203. Would you rather have a friend with benefits or an actual relationship?

204. Would you date someone good-looking with an awful personality or an average-looking girl with an amazing personality?

205. Would you rather date someone submissive or dominant?

206. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or have to wait a year?

207. Would you rather accidentally send a dirty text to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your mom?

208. Would you rather take a shower with your partner or climb into a bath with your partner?

209. Would you rather walk in on your parents making love, or have them walk in on you?

210. Would you rather be caught having sex by a cop or your in-laws?

211. Would you rather be funny but unattractive or be extremely attractive but boring?

212. Would you rather date someone who’s more attracted to a person’s looks or their brains?

213. Would you rather tell your partner about all of your sexual fantasies or never talk about it?

214. Would you rather remain a virgin until 50 but get to sleep with your soulmate or lose your virginity early to someone that you don’t care about?

215. Would you rather go out for a fancy date on Valentine’s Day or stay home for a romantic evening?

216. Would you rather write a poem expressing love felt for your crush or read a poem expressing love felt for you?

217. Would you rather send your partner to a spa or give your partner a really good body treatment at home?

218. Would you rather marry a doctor or an athlete?

219. Would you rather date someone who is taller or shorter than you?

220. Would you rather be able to read your partner’s mind or be able to read only the minds of others?

221. Would you rather be with someone who always wears makeup or who never wears makeup?

222. Would you rather make the first move or have someone make the first move on you?

RELATED: 50 Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend (Before Your Relationship Gets Too Serious)

Funny 'Would You Rather' Questions

223. Would you rather always have a mullet or only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail?

224. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have a really dry mouth?

225. Would you rather wear your significant other’s underwear or go out with no underwear?

226. Would you rather your significant other look like a child or act like a child?

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227. Would you rather be forced to listen to the same 10 songs on repeat for the rest of your life or forced to watch the same 5 movies on repeat for the rest of your life?

228. Would you rather cuddle for five minutes or cuddle for five hours?

229. Would you rather have a partner who talks to their dog or who “listens” to their dog talk?

230. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?

231. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?

232. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?

233. Would you rather your partner didn’t brush their teeth for a week or didn’t shower for a week?

234. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life?

235. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?

236. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?

237. Would you rather your partner had a house that looked bad or a house that smelt bad?

238. Would you rather your partner was the richest garbage man in the world or the poorest banker in the world?

239. Would you rather be famous on the internet or in real life?

240. Would you rather have a very mischievous partner or have a very boring partner?

241. Would you rather be with someone who never cleans or someone who’s a clean freak?

242. Would you rather your partner was always overdressed to places or was always underdressed?

243. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?

244. Would you rather live in a country with a low cost of living but horrible weather or live in a country with a high cost of living and amazing weather?

245. Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or go a year with no eyebrows?

246. Would you rather your partner was really hairy or didn’t have a single hair on them?

247. Would you rather have five half-sized clones of yourself or one full-sized clone of yourself?

248. Would you rather be trapped in a romantic comedy with your enemies or trapped a a horror movie with your friends?

249. Would you rather your partner looked weak but was actually really strong or looked strong but was actually really weak?

250. Would you rather have a huge booger hanging out of your nose for the rest of your life or a pimple on your forehead for the rest of your life?

251. Would you rather be with someone who never stops talking or someone who never stops texting?

252. Would you rather have to wear a tuxedo shirt every day for a month or have to wear a tutu every day for a month?

253. Would you rather always hit a red light on your way to work for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?

254. Would you rather have the ability to read the minds of everyone in the world or to be able to move objects with your mind?

255. Would you rather only be able to wear sweatpants for the rest of your life or only be able to wear suits for the rest of your life?

256. Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog?

257. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or who talks in their sleep?

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258. Would you rather have a partner who sings in the shower or who sings while on the toilet seat?

259. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?

260. Would you rather eat only cheese for 1 year or not be able to eat cheese for 1 year?

261. Would you rather be insulted by Gordon Ramsay for 10 seconds or receive unlimited text messages from Donald Trump for 10 days?

262. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?

263. Would you rather wear your partner’s underwear or wear your dirty underwear?

264. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

265. Would you rather lose all of the money you've earned this year or lose all of the memories you've gained this year?

266. Would you rather know the world’s secrets or live ignorantly forever?

267. Would you rather become an unknown superhero or a famous average person in history books?

268. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?

269. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you hate?

270. Would you rather find true love for 1 year or be in a stale relationship for 20 years?

271. Would you rather have the only beverage you can drink be water or the only food you can eat be a salad?

272. Would you rather live in a world with no caffeine or a world with only raw food?

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Hard 'Would You Rather' Questions

273. Would you rather know when you're going to die or how you're going to die?

274. Would you rather get the silent treatment or hurl words at each other when upset?

275. Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?

276. Would you rather be with someone that all your friends hate or be with someone that hates all your friends?

277. Would you rather have no one come to your wedding or your funeral?

278. Would you rather get rich in a way that disappoints your family or just make enough money to live?

279. Would you rather live somewhere it rains every day or somewhere it never rains?

280. Would you rather your parents arrange your marriage or marry your most recent ex?

281. Would you rather tell your boss everything about your last night out on the town or tell your mom?

282. Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or someone else go to jail for a crime you committed?

283. Would you rather not be able to buy coffee or get takeout for a month?

284. Would you rather go on a silent nonspeaking retreat for a week or go on a long weekend vacation with someone who never shuts up?

285. Would you rather have a pet you’re allergic to or have a pet you don’t really like?

286. Would you rather live with a very weird (but safe) stranger or with a friend and their partner who fight all the time?

287. Would you rather be with someone who talks a lot or someone who likes to keep things bottled up inside?

288. Would you rather be with someone who’s over-confident or something with low self-esteem?

289. Would you rather be the only one drunk at the family reunion or be the only one sober?

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290. Would you rather your partner’s mother didn’t like you or your partner’s father didn’t like you?

291. Would you rather pay $5 every time you insult someone or every time you tell a lie?

292. Would you rather marry someone you just met or never get married at all?

293. Would you rather live by the beach but not be allowed in the water or live by a mountain but not be allowed to do winter sports?

294. Would you rather get a small tattoo on your face or a tattoo covering your entire backside?

295. Would you rather live off grid (no cellphone, no credit card, no internet) for a month or in quarantine for a month?

296. Would you rather get a terrible gift for your birthday or no gift at all?

297. Would you rather have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?

298. Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?

299. Would you rather watch your partner dance with someone else or dance with your partner, even though you suck at it?

300. Would you rather be a psychic that nobody believes or have superpowers that you can’t use properly?

301. Would you rather you both worked in the same office but earn peanuts or work in different countries and earn seven-digit salaries?

302. Would you rather have your name constantly mispronounced or constantly forgotten?

303. Would you rather only be able to eat food that began a B or an M?

304. Would you rather be able to fall asleep in seconds but always wake up late or take two hours to fall asleep but you’re always early?

305. Would you rather have a guardian angel that dislikes you or a demon bodyguard that loves you?

306. Would you rather be able to predict the weather (but only five minutes before) or be able to sense when someone is lying (but only to others)?

307. Would you rather have your skin color change to reflect your mood or never be able to tell a lie?

308. Would you rather be considered guilty for a crime you didn’t commit or have your closest friend charged for a crime you did commit?

309. Would you rather your favorite team always lose or your favorite artist lose their voice?

310. Would you rather have no taste buds or be color blind?

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311. Would you rather start your life over again or have $10 billion dollars as a 40-year-old?

312. Would you rather know everyone’s death date or read people’s mind?

313. Would you rather share some bad news with your partner or have them find out at a later date on their own?

314. Would you rather have the ability to fly or teleport?

315. Would you rather control the world for five years of your life or for five minutes every day of your life?

316. Would you rather be able to see through walls or walk through walls?

317. Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous musician?

318. Would you rather have kids with your partner at 17 or at 45?

319. Would you rather have a partner that has a very weird sneeze or a very weird laugh?

320. Would you rather relive your last argument with your partner every week or relive your most embarrassing moment every month?

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Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.