Woman Told By Hiring Manager That They Are Looking For An Employee Who Doesn't 'Value Work-Life Balance'

It's clear that a shift in perspective is long overdue.

woman in job interview George Rudy / Shutterstock

In a time when the cost of living has increased exponentially and the number of available jobs in the United States has fallen to the lowest level, many job seekers are trying their hardest to keep themselves afloat while also searching for suitable work.

Unfortunately, times are hard and employers seem to be asking for a bit too much, at least according to a content creator named Janice, who shared an absurd requirement a company told her about during an interview.


She was told by the hiring manager that they were looking for someone who 'didn't value work-life balance.'

In Janice's TikTok video, she explained that she's currently unemployed and on the hunt for a job. After securing an interview with a company, she was both disappointed and a bit taken aback at hearing what the hiring manager was looking for in a potential candidate.



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"A couple of weeks ago I had an interview where the employer told me that they are looking for someone who doesn't value work-life balance," she revealed. The exact words from the hiring manager's mouth had been that while some people may strive for and express joy in having a healthy work-life balance, that isn't the kind of person who should be filling the available role at their organization.

"I need someone who's driven and ambitious, and essentially be my partner to grow this company," Janice recalled the hiring manager telling her. "I don't know. If that doesn't sum up what it's like looking for a job in 2023, I don't really know what does."

Janice's encounter with the hiring manager sheds light on a disconcerting paradox: employers demanding an unwavering commitment to the job at the very moment when job seekers are grappling with the harsh economic realities in this country. The idea that a person must forsake every other aspect of their life to dedicate all of their time to a job is ludicrous and unsustainable.

It also prompts a conversation around the disheartening reality that many companies and organizations view employees as labor mules instead of multifaceted human beings who should be able to comfortably work and then leave at the end of the day to enjoy the other aspects of their lives.


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In the United States, 66% of full-time employees do not have a work-life balance, while 60% of employees blame their bosses for work-life imbalance. Around 7 out of 10 full-time workers stateside believe they do not dedicate enough time to their personal lives because of their jobs.

Workers not having a proper and healthy work-life balance can have lasting consequences on their quality of work and overall well-being.

The consequences of having an imbalanced work-life flow can often manifest in how an employee shows up at work every single day, and their mental health once they leave to go home.

According to a survey conducted by The Conference Board, nearly 48% of working-class adults who've reported decreased mental health work 50+ hours a week. Constantly pushing boundaries without getting an adequate amount of rest from working constantly can lead to burnout, which contributes to increased missed days at work, higher turnover rates, and a decline in the quality of work. 


Not only that, but working excessively can also strain personal relationships. A lack of balance between work and personal life prevents individuals from being able to fully enjoy and participate in non-professional activities, especially with their friends and family.

In the face of Janice's disheartening experience with a hiring manager and the broader issue of work-life imbalance, it's clear that a shift in perspective is long overdue. It's imperative that these companies and organizations are able to recognize that employees are not just assets in the corporate America machine, but have multifaceted lives that, if nurtured correctly, can prove to be a good thing in the workforce.

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.