9 Ways To Encourage People To Vote In Upcoming Elections
Voting is not only our right but our duty.

Voting is one of the most important ways to have your voice heard in society. It shapes governments, laws, and the lives of every single one of us.
Yet, when it comes to elections, one of the biggest problems is low voter turnouts. In the 2016 presidential election, voter turnout dipped to its lowest rate in 20 years! Each uncast ballot is a voice unheard and unrepresented in government.
This year will go down in history because of coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement, but since it's also an election year, we have the power to make 2020 a year of great change and shape our futures for the better.
Showing up and being heard on election day is not only your right, but your obligation.
If you’re reading this, you probably know this already, but what about your friends, family, and acquaintances? Will they have their voices heard? Will they participate in making the changes that serve us all?
It isn't enough to just cast your vote and be done with it. We must all work together for the greater good. Every vote counts.
We all know someone who will fail to register, forget to show up on voting day, or make a poorly informed decision on their ballot. Encouraging them to make positive voting choices will ultimately benefit us all.
Do the right thing and talk to the people you know in order to make sure we dominate the 2020 polls and don’t repeat past mistakes.
Here's how to get people to vote and increase voter turnout — not only for the November elections, but for life.
1. Get them registered.
You can’t persuade anyone to vote successfully until they’re registered.
Registration rules vary from state to state, and different elections will have different deadlines. You can find helpful information on the registration process, deadlines, and voting guides on the USA Government website.
If you have family serving in the military or living overseas, the USA Vote Foundation is a helpful resource for absentee ballots.
2. Talk about it — a lot.
It’s human nature to only pay attention to the things that directly affect us, and even though voting is one of these things, it’s easy to feel detached from politics.
Some people don’t even realize elections are happening, so they forget to vote or stay informed. If you bring up politics, voting, and elections as often as you can, the people close to you will be more engaged and more likely to vote.
3. Post about it on social media.
Regardless of the size of your following, filling up people feeds with voting information will raise awareness for upcoming elections.
A lot of people use social media as their only source of news and information, and this often means paying more attention to celebrities or pop culture than to important issues. Your Facebook status with informational links or your Instagram post reminding people to vote will do a lot more for society than a selfie or meme.
4. Remind people of key dates.
Even the most informed voters forget to show up on voting days. No matter how important it is, some people just don’t take the time to cast their ballots.
Remind your friends of upcoming elections repeatedly as they draw closer so they can ask for a half-day in work or get someone to mind the kids. Maybe even set alarms on their phones if you know their passwords!
Rock The Vote has a free subscription for election reminders, and Ballotpedia will give you all the upcoming voting days in your area. Local elections are just as important as presidential elections, so stay informed all year!
5. Find the issues they care about.
Voting impacts each and every one of us, but when candidates are using confusing economic jargon or pitching crazy health care plans, it’s easy to feel a little lost. This means a lot of people ignore the importance of voting or feel like there’s no right candidate for them.
Knowing what issues matter most to them and who best represents these issues will make voting more personal. Speak to your family and friends about the changes they want to see, and discuss who is likely to make these changes.
6. Get involved.
Bringing people to events and rallies also helps people feel less alienated from politics. There are so many organizations and political parties that host voting events to encourage participation.
- Voto Latino welcomes volunteers in their efforts to boost Latinx voting.
- NAACP hosts registration events at their local branches.
- League of Women Voters host informational meetings on improving voter access.
- Campus Vote Project targets college students who are looking to become more politically active.
7. Share resources.
You may have settled on who you’re voting for, but you didn’t just wake up one day with this decision. Be patient with people who are less informed than you and share your knowledge.
What articles, documentaries, podcasts or books helped inform your political opinions? Do any particular activists, celebrities or politicians help you stay informed?
Send your friends and family any and all support that keeps you politically active. Even if they read, watch or listen to just one of the pieces you share with them, they will be more informed on election days.
8. Guilt them.
This is a controversial tactic, but a little bit of peer pressure goes a long way when it comes to voting. You never want to make voting seem like a chore, but it does help to make people see the negative effects of low voter turnouts.
If you know someone who typically misses voting deadlines, ask them to do the right thing and show up this time. Maybe even make a pledge so they promise you they’ll vote. No one wants to break a promise.
9. Vote together.
When it comes to voting day, it might help to rally the troops and head out together to cast your ballots.
People can get lazy and no one wants to queue up alone. Set a time to vote with your friends and family, and meet for lunch or a coffee afterward. If you live far away, maybe video chat before and after so you can share your voting experience.
Elections don’t happen all too often, so making a social event out of it is a great way to encourage your friends to participate.
Alice Kelly is a writer with a passion for lifestyle, entertainment, and trending topics.