'Don't F*ck With Cats' Killer Luka Magnotta Is Married — Meet His Husband, Anthony Jolin
A look into the life of Luka Magnotta's husband Anthony Jolin, also a convicted killer in prison.

Who is Luka Magnotta's husband?
Luka Magnotta — born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman — was convicted of first-degree murder in 2014 for the violent killing of Chinese student Jun Lin in 2012. However, Magnotta's crime against Lin was not his first known criminal activity as he had prior convictions related to impersonation and fraud.
Prior to the videotaped murder of Lin committed in 2012, Magnotta was already the subject of international controversy as a result of videos uploaded to YouTube. In these videos, an adult male was seen suffocating kittens, which led to investigations by Internet users, animal rights organizations and local authorities alike. Magnotta was discovered to be the male shown in the videos.
Magnotta was also the subject of investigations related to a series of homicides committed in Toronto between 2010 and 2017. But this investigation was ultimately called off due to a lack of evidence.
As one of the focal points of the Netflix-released Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting An Internet Killer documentary, interest in Magnotta is at an all-time high. In turn, many people are also intrigued about Magnotta's husband Anthony Jolin.
Here are some things you ought to know about Mr. Jolin, who himself is also a convicted killer scheduled to be serving many years in prison.
1. Who is Luka Magnotta's husband? He and Jolin got married while in prison.
On June 26, 2017, the two were married at the Port-Cartier prison in Canada. The documented witness to the wedding was Magnotta's mom Anna Yourkin; Yourkin had published a book My Son, The Killer about Magnotta in late 2018. To further make the union official, a notice about the marriage is posted had been posted at the Sept-Îles Courthouse.
For the sake of a honeymoon, the couple wished to use their prison's private family visitation area. However, this request was denied, as was the couple's request for cohabitation.
2. How Magnotta and Jolin met is actually the product of Canadian tax dollars at work.
The average person is likely not aware of all of the services available to inmates in the United States, let alone intimates serving sentences in Canada. In Canada, for example, inmate dating websites actually exist.
Magnotta and Jolin connected in 2015 through both being enrolled on a dating website known as Canadian Inmates Connect. Within his dating ad, Magnotta had expressed interest in a male between the ages of 28 and 38, who was in good shape and also educated, emotionally-stable and seeking a long-term relationship. Apparently, Jolin met all of this criteria.
3. Jolin is a violent offender like Magnotta.
Jolin holds the distinction of not only committing a violent crime prior to his incarceration but also during his incarceration. He was jailed for the execution of Halifax teenager Kelly Wilneff after "serving a six-year sentence for robbery with a firearm."
Once in jail Jolin stabbed fellow prisoner Kevin Whyner "to death in the prison shower in 2003, and was referrred to as a "violent 30-year-old pimp" and "white supremacist."
4. Magnotta and Jolin seem to keep occupied with hobbies while incarcerated.
Social networks and Internet-based dating aside, Jolin and Magnotta's lives in prison are not as boring as one would assume. Solitary confinement does not seem to be on the table for either of the convicts.
Per Yourkin's book, Magnotta happily told co-author Brian Whitney the following about his daily activities: "We have movie nights. We all have our own TVs. I have painting class and I exercise a lot. I practice language studies.” Magnotta also commented about playing video games and not being on medication.
5. It seems as if Magnotta and Jolin are easily reachable while in prison.
Per a discussion on Reddit, there are theories that Magnotta has been using a smuggled, Internet-enabled cell phone while incarcerated. In turn, several social media accounts are believed to be maintained by him from prison. Some of these postings have been removed shortly after published, but were naturally archived by social media followers.
On December 22, 2019, a video appeared on YouTube, as published to an account titled "Luka M." It is billed as a "Luka Magnotta Account Run By anonymous Source." The video features an introduction and questions read by what sounds to be a female voice from a transcription program, as responded to by a voice that sounds like Magnotta himself.
However, it would be considered a punishable offense if Magnotta were caught possession and/or using a smuggled-in smartphone while serving a prison sentence.
6. Neither Magnotta nor Jolin are not expected to be released from prison anytime soon.
For the earlier-mentioned killing of Whyner, Jolin was sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of his life. Magnotta similarly was sentenced to life in prison, but will be eligible for parole in 2039, 25 years following his 2014 sentencing.
The Port-Cartier Institution, where both Magnotta and Jolin are housed, is located in the north shore region of Quebec; it is approximately 600 kilometrer from Québec city. It is a stand-alone maximum-security institution with a listed capacity of 237 inmates.
It is not clear whether Magnotta or Jolin accept visitors, but mail can presumably be sent to the two prisoners via the mailing address shown on the prison's governmental website.
Darren Paltrowitz is a New York-based writer, editor and author. He is also the host of the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz podcast, as co-produced with PureGrainAudio.com.