50 Divorce Quotes To Help You Move Onward & Upward
The end of one chapter is the beginning of another.

There are no words that can be said to completely numb the pain of heartbreak; the feeling of breaking up a marriage is unlike any other and will always burn us in the end. However, these divorce quotes may help you feel a little less alone.
Going through a divorce is the biggest form of heartbreak out of the many to choose from. Realizing that your spouse — someone you put so much of your time, love and energy into — is someone you can no longer be in a relationship with can be damaging to your mental and physical health.
It is hard enough telling your family and friends about your divorce, but then to file countless amounts of paperwork and be forced to separate and find a divorce lawyer is torture. You already invested money into your wedding and now you have to invest more into the divorce? That alone can be crushing.
But, at the end of the day, the most important thing to realize is that being free of someone who once hurt you is crucial to inner peace and happiness.
Just because your significant other may not be in your life anymore, does not mean they never loved or cared about you. Honestly, even after a divorce, there will always be a bond between you and your ex-wife or ex-husband.
Regardless of if the split was mutual or absolutely devastating and one-sided, the process of divorce is never easy. It is okay to cry, scream, burn some old memories, and cry some more.
This is a time to lean on friends, family, and Netflix and chill (by yourself) to ease the pain.
50 Honest Divorce Quotes
May they remind you that going through a divorce may not be easy, but it sure is a true testament to your inner strength:
1. "Divorce isn't such a tragedy. A tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce." — Jennifer Weiner
2. "Women can go on marrying and pretending that their boyfriends and husbands are Mr. Darcy or some romcom dream man ... but where's that going to get 'em? Besides divorce court? — Dan Savage
3. "Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it." — Ann Landers
4. "Anytime you go through a divorce, you're completely lost. Whether you want to admit it or not, or whether you know it or not, you're completely lost." — Justin Hartley
5. "Just because someone doesn't love you now, doesn't mean they never loved you." — Unknown
6. "You never really know a man until you have divorced him." — Zsa Zsa Gabor
7. "When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they 'don't understand' one another, but a sign that they have, at least, begun to." — Helen Rowland
8. "Divorce isn't the child's fault. Don't say anything unkind about your ex to the child, because you're really just hurting the child." — Valerie Bertinelli
9. “I wanted to turn my divorce into a positive. What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? What if I checked my own [stuff] at the door and put my children first? And reminded myself about the things about my ex-husband that I love, and fostered the friendship?” — Gwyneth Paltrow
10. "Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you." — Rupi Kaur
11. "Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping it will transform into a door." — Coco Chanel
12. “Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands.” — Amy Poehler
13. "Perhaps sometimes reminding ourselves that we do have a choice makes it easier to pick the harder one.” — Eva Melusine Thieme
14. "Don't have regrets. You can learn something from every experience." — Ellen Degeneres
15. “I learned that it would take more than just the black and white steps of getting divorced, or even finding a lawyer. It would take NOT just facing my fears. It would take walking into my fears — with each step making me bolder and less ashamed, with each step giving me courage.” — Liza Caldwell
16. “The process of discovering with somebody that you love that you don’t work is so painful.” — Kate Hudson
17. “Above all be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” — Nora Ephron
18. “The good thing about getting divorced young—if there is a good thing—is that it makes you realize there’s no schedule in life. It blasts you wide open and frees you to be honest with yourself.” — Olivia Wilde
19. “When we truly care for ourselves, it becomes possible to care about other people. The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs, the more loving and generous we can be towards others.” — Eda LeShan
20. “There’s no pain or failure like going through a divorce.” — Jennifer Lopez
21. "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou
22. “I think that men were allowed to write about their marriages falling apart, but you weren’t quite supposed to if you were a woman. You were just supposed to curl up into a ball and move to Connecticut. But you know, it didn’t really matter because, as I said, I knew what the book was. It’s a funny book, and I was very happy that it sold a lot of copies.” — Nora Ephron
23. "Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.” — Toni Morrison
24."Why a man great till they gotta be great?" — Lizzo
25. “I used to hope that you’d bring me flowers. Now I plant my own.” — Rachel Wolchin
26. “Divorce is a declaration of independence with only two signers.” — Gerald F. Lieberman
27. “Heartbreak is a loss. Divorce is a piece of paper.” — Taylor Jenkins Reid
28. “Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash.” — Rita Mae Brown
29. “Divorce is a game played by lawyers.” — Cary Grant
30. “Divorce is the psychological equivalent of a triple coronary bypass.” — Mary Kay Blakely
31. “For a lot of people, divorce is an incredibly healthy move to make in your life.” – Adam Scott
32. “Divorce is a by-product of the fact that maybe the nuclear unit is gone.” — Bob Geldof
33. “The best kind of divorce is the kind where there are no children. That was my first divorce. You walk out the door and you never look back.” — Nora Ephron
34. “Divorce is brutal and horrible and...you have to actively work to get your life back on track.” — Jane Kaczmarek
35. “My mother always said don’t marry for money, divorce for money.” — Wendy Liebman
36. “When people divorce, it’s always such a tragedy. At the same time, if people stay together it can be worse.” — Monica Bellucci
37. “I think the key for a child to do well in a divorce is, very simply, you have to be honest with them.” — Dale Archer
38. “Divorce was miserable, as it always is, and we divorce for the same reasons we marry.” — Donald Hall
39. “A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there’s less of you.” — Margaret Atwood
40. “Establishing a friendship after divorce takes great effort and a lot of swallowing of your pride and ego.” — Yolanda Hadid
Carlie Fox is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.
Chinyere (pronounced sha-near-ruh) is a writer who covers entertainment and pop culture news.