25 Inspirational Quotes & Motivational Memes To Pick You Up When You Have A Bad Case Of The Mondays
Got a case of the Mondays?

Mondays are the considered the worst day of the week, and for good reason.
We have to get back to work and school and the chores of everyday life. We have to wake up early after two days of freedom, finish up the tasks we leeft for the next week, and so on. There is not enough coffee in the world to combat a case of the Mondays.
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate Mondays! But we can’t do without them. As much as we hate them, we have to return to the real world and get out of our weekend hibernation mode.
So, to inspire you and make your Mondays a little less blue, we have gathered 25 motivational quotes about Mondays that are sure to inspire you to make the most of your day (and week).
Some of these are downright sassy and hilarious. Some are motivating. And all are apt for this day! The good thing is that these are just about right and very relatable to share on Instagram or Facebook with your friends and colleagues.
Check out these 25 Monday quotes when you need a little motivation to get through (or start) the day — and share them with your friends and followers.
1. Instead of hating Mondays, enjoy them.
"Be a rebel. Enjoy Monday and find a reason to like it." — Unknown
2. You got this!
"Oh hello week, let's do this." — Unknown
3. Appreciate how blessed you are to see another Monday.
"It's Monday, I'm happy, I'm blessed, and I'm going to do amazing things this week." — Unknown
4. Everyone will agree on this one.
"I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago." — Unknown
5. This is the way to tackle a Monday!
"When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day." — Unknown
6. All it takes is one day.
"This is your Monday morning reminder that you are powerful beyond measure, that you are capable of pretty much anything you are willing to work for, and that you could change your life today." — Unknown
7. No one likes Mondays.
"If Mondays were shoes, they'd be crocs." — Unknown
8. Oh, Monday.
"Just another manic Monday." — Unknown
9. A short Monday is a happy Monday.
"May your clothes be comfy, your coffee be strong, and your Monday be short." — Unknown
10. Mondays have nothing on you.
"This is your Monday morning reminder that you can handle whatever this week throws at you." — Unknown
11. Hint: it's you.
"Show Monday who is boss." — Unknown
12. I'd opt out.
"Monday should be optional." — Unknown
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13. Mood.
"Oh my... is it really Monday again already?" — Unknown
14. Just be your usual awesome self!
"It's Monday. Grab some coffee & be awesome!" — Unknown
15. Look at it as a new beginning.
"Mondays are for fresh starts." — Unknown
16. She has a point.
"Work hard, so you can shop harder." — Bella Ella Boutique
17. Fake it 'til you make it.
"Drink some coffee and pretend you know what you're doing." — Unknown
18. Don't just survive, thrive!
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." — Maya Angelou
19. Stay positive.
"Hello Monday! It's going to be a great week! Stay focused on your goals, keep a positive outside and work hard!" — Heather Stillufsen
20. It'll get better once the coffee kicks in.
"I love it when the coffee kicks in and I realize what an adorable badass I'm going to be today." — Unknown
21. Focus on the future.
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." — Socrates
22. Coffee is your only true friend on Mondays.
"I'm not addicted to coffee, we're just in a committed relationship." — Unknown
23. Mondays are what you make them.
"Monday is a state of mind. Put your positive pants and get stuff done." — Unknown
24. Get things done.
"Stop doubting yourself. Work hard and make it happen." — Unknown
25. Do what you love and even Mondays will seem brighter.
"Do what you love and you'll never have a problem with Monday." — Unknown
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, we’ve got the best quotes to share and savor. For quotes from the most inspiring celebs, activists, and poets, look no further! You might even find the quote that motivates the best parts of your life (and love!) forever.
Mehruba Chowdhury is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.