Sad New Details About The Death Of YouTuber PeeWeeToms

He got married just weeks ago.

How Did PeeWeeToms Die? Details YouTuber Died Terminal Cancer Instagram

Vlogger Dan Thomas, more widely known as PeeWeeToms, documented his battle with cancer, which he recently lost.

The 32-year-old YouTuber died Sept. 28 from sarcomatoid carcinoma, a rare and painful bone cancer he was diagnosed with in July 2015. Despite many operations and surgeries, his cancer became inoperable. 

Thomas began vlogging about his life with cancer after his diagnosis and continued up until it took his life. 


His family took to his famous social media account to confirm his passing in an emotional tribute titled after Thomas' signature catchphrase, "DON'T GIVE IN, DON'T GIVE IN."


“Here we are, all the family gathered together with some very sad news but in some ways for Dan a relief and he’s out of pain and suffering," his mother told his 157,000 subscribers. 


Thomas posted his last video to YouTube Sept. 24 from his hospice bed. He informed his viewers his cancer had rapidly advanced and that he was in a tremendous amount of pain. 

The next update was that of his family announcing his passing.

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"Honestly, we really want to thank you, our entire family, Becca included. You've been so supportive of Dan's journey," his brother, Matt, said in the heartbreaking video. Thomas' mother explained that Dan's journey will live on despite his recent death.

"I'm sure Dan has got a few surprises for everybody in the coming months even though he's not physically here," his mom added. "I know he's tried to put a few things together so we'll continue with that."


The family let Thomas' fans know they will continue to post videos and share their journey from here as they deal with life without him. 

"Between us, we want you to know we want to keep encouraging you to keep going on, whatever place you're at, whatever the state of your life and your family, because that's what Dan would do and that's what he did," the YouTuber's father told viewers.

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The family wants to add to Thomas' legacy by inspiring hope into those who are struggling, no matter their situation.

"It's been great to see his journey and that he's been able to share it with so many people," his mother said. "I hope it's helped you, it's helped us as well as a family to get through the difficult, certainly this last week."

His death comes just weeks after he married his fiance, Becca, whom he shared a cat with. In an Oct. 1 post, she invited fans to her late husband's funeral, which will be held on Oct. 8 at 3:30 p.m. 


"We know he would love for as many people to be there as possible and it would be incredible to meet a lot of you because you've been so supportive," she said in the video.

Becca added that Thomas would want everyone to live their best life, something he always tried to do.

In a post on Instagram, Thomas' family asked people to donate to cancer research via Youth Cancer Trust or Cancer Research rather than send flowers.


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Sarah Gangraw writes about all things news, pop culture, and crime. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.