
What You See First In This Visual Illusion Reveals What Kind Of Friend You Are

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what kind of friend are you

Friends are a critical part of our lives. When we're born, most of us are fortunate enough to find our first ever built-in emotional support system in our parents and our siblings.

But as we grow up and start going to school and meeting more people, we build a new support network made up of friends who share our interests, who can support us in times of strife and laugh with us when times are a little bit brighter.

Though our friends may ebb and flow, and while we might leave some friends behind as we grow and change and make new ones along the way, there's always the one thing of which we can be certain: friendship plays a critical role in who we are as people.

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All of this begs the question, what kind of friend are you?

It's kind of hard to make an assessment about yourself, even when you take a personality test. But while it's possible to be objective, it can be hard to be objective when the heart of the matter is, well... you!

If you want to determine what kind of friend you are, this personality test is just what you need.

That's why this free personality test, and optical illusion, in particular, can give you the answers you want.

This test is visual, so all you have to do is look at the image below and pay close attention to whatever happens to catch your eye first. Once you've done that, you can scroll down to find out what this personality test reveals about the kind of friend you are.

Yes, it's that simple and it might change the way you relate to the people in your life forever.

1. If you saw the dragon

If you saw the dragon first, you are the kind of friend who is fiercely loyal.

While you may seem mild-mannered (and maybe you usually are), when it comes to protecting your friends from mistreatment at the hands of others you are willing to absolutely roar. You might even show your claws from time to time.

While it's easy to go from 0 to 100 when you spot someone you love in peril, make sure that your temper doesn't actually make situations they are experiencing even more challenging than they already are. Your temper might make matters worse.

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2. If you saw the soldier

If you saw the soldier first, you are the kind of friend who stands by the people close to you no matter what.

You don't always have the perfect words to say to make them feel better, and you're not the first person to get into a fight on behalf of your bestie, but they can always rely on you to stand by them no matter what occurs.

Don't be afraid to speak up. You're valued just as much for your mind and your heart as you are for your presence, and your friends are likely eager to hear your take.

3. If you saw the man in the hat

If you saw the man in the hat first, you are the kind of friend who saves the day with your sense of humor.

No matter how tense a situation might be, you can always diffuse it with a quick joke.

None of this, of course, means that you don't take serious issues seriously, but stuff has to really matter to wipe a grin off your mug. Laughter is the best medicine but be cautious so you don't come across as insensitive.

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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.