Woman Sent 159,000 Texts To A Man After Their First Date, Then Broke Into His House To Take A Bath

According to the police report, many of those texts were death threats.

jacqueline ades mug shot Paradise Valley Police Department

Be careful who you meet online — you could wind up receiving thousands of texts after just one date, or have your house broken into. In one case, a woman was accused of both.

In 2018, Jacqueline Claire Ades was accused of sending 159,000 text messages to a man she went on a single date with. 

According to court documents, over the course of 10 months, Ades sent a man she met on an online dating site up to 500 text messages a day after meeting him in person just once. Paradise Valley police became involved in July 2017, when the man reported that Ades was harassing him via text messaging, including "threatening" messages and "multiple death threats."


“Don’t ever try to leave me... I’ll kill you... I don’t wanna be a murderer!” some of the alleged texts read. “I hope you die... rotten filthy Jew... lololol Im like the new Hitler... man was a genius,” Ades reportedly sent. “I’d wear ur fascia n the top of your skull n ur hands n feet,” read another text, according to the police report, via the Washington Post.

Eventually, Ades' actions escalated to physical stalking.

After the man reportedly blocked Ades on the dating app, Ades took this as a sign to move from Florida to Arizona, near where he lived.

"I told him that if he ever blocked me on this app, that I would come move here," the woman told reporters. "And he blocked me, so I came here."


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Court reports state that police arrested Ades in April 2018 after she broke into the man's house, where police found "a large butcher knife on the passenger seat" of her car. He called the police and when they arrived, she was in the man’s bathtub. Then, in May of 2018, Ades showed up at the man's place of work pretending to be his wife before police escorted her off the property.

After these two instances, Ades was taken into custody.

When a reporter asked her whether she thought sending the man so many messages was "a bit excessive," she replied, “Love is an excessive thing." Ades said she knew her statements were "crazy," but stood by them.


"If [he] wants me to go to jail, I should be in jail," Ades told reporters. "I appreciate it. He's the light, I'm the love. He knows what to do and I follow the rules."

"I felt like I met my soul mate and everything was just the way it was,” Ades said in an interview with the media at the time. “I thought we would do what everybody else did, and we would get married, and everything would be fine, but that's not what happened.”

When asked if she was crazy, Ades simply said, “No, I am the person that discovered love.”

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In 2020, it was revealed that the charges against Ades had been dropped.

In 2019, mental health professionals evaluted Ades' mental competency to determine if she fully understood the charges that were brought against her. Ades was found to be mentally incompetent, so her charges were dropped.

Her court-appointed attorney said in a statement, "I feel that justice was served. Obviously, she's mentally ill, and I hope that she's able to get the necessary treatment."

Ades stayed at a health center for a little while after, and then her parents moved her back to Florida where she would be receiving further treatment. She is also not allowed any contact with the man that she was stalking.

It appears Jacqueline Ades died in 2021 at the age of 34.

Ades' story gained traction online in February 2024 after the Instagram page @wasted posted about her arrest, prompting people to question where she is today.


According to the "virtual cemetery" website Find A Grave, Ades has been deceased since November 2021.


If you or somebody that you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, there is a way to get help. Call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or text "HELLO" to 741741 to be connected with the Crisis Text Line.

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Sarah Gangraw writes about all things news, entertainment and crime.