Scary New Details About The Man Who Tried To Lure A 14-Year-Old Child Into Being A 'Full-Time Baby Maker' And Wanted To 'Cannibalize' Her

Court records say Justin Teeter Bensing was also interested in cannibalism.

Man Lures Girl Online Sex Slave, Justin Teeter Bensing Getty Images

A South Carolina man arrested last month in a child sex trafficking investigation wanted to “physically cannibalize” his intended victim.

Justin Teeter Bensing, 36, was arrested on Feb. 12 for soliciting an undercover police officer he believed to be a minor. He was released on bail just two days later.

According to the New York Post, Bensing asked the cop if she was “ready to be a full-time baby maker and sex slave.”


He drove from his home in Myrtle Beach all the way to Greenville to pick up the 14-year-old he thought he was communicating with.

Bensing was one of 40 people arrested as a result of “Operation Millstone,” a two-week long child sex trafficking sting, KMOV reports.


“This is beyond the worst type of human being that you could possibly imagine,” Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis said at a press conference Thursday when he announced the arrests. He said the people linked to the ring were "actively stalking children" to kidnap, traffic, kill and cannibalize. 

The name “Millstone" stemmed from a verse in the book of Matthew in the New Testament of the Bible.

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“If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea,” the verse reads.


According to The State, investigators charged 14 child predators, two human traffickers, 10 prostitutes and 17 johns in the child sex trafficking sting.

Lewis said that others arrested in the roundup wanted to knowingly pass on sexually transmitted diseases to the underage children.

“They wanted a 14-year-old child to transfer a disease to,” Lewis said. “You want to take about the depravity of humanity? Look at these people.”


Bensing was charged with two counts of criminal solicitation of a minor. He has no prior arrests in South Carolina, according to state police.

If convicted, he faces 10 years in person per charge.

Lewis revealed some disturbing details about Bensing’s case after he was released on bond last month.

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Bensing used the alias “Rebel Deese” online, according to investigators. He also discussed “passions for cannibalism and bestiality” on his devices and wanted to “physically cannibalize” a minor he was soliciting.


KMOV says warrants also indicated Bensing wanted the minor to drink her own urine and spoke of the sexual fetish coprophilia

Bensing’s father was reached by phone Tuesday and denied the allegations against his son, who he said was unavailable.

The only thing I have to say on Justin’s behalf is that any charges of cannibalism are not correct,he told a reporter for The Associated Press and then hung up the phone.


According to FOX News, Bensing has no attorney and no court dates have been scheduled. His bond is set at $20,000. Court records show he lives in a neighborhood in Myrtle Beach.

Sheriff Lewis warned parents to be careful who their kids communicate with.

“They are still looking for your kids.”

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