The One Conversation Couples Need To Have Every Single Day
It's simpler than you think.

By Kyle Benson
When Steven gets home from work, his wife Katie asks him, “How was your day, dear?”
Photo: Monkey Business Images via Canva
From there, the conversation goes like this:
Steven: "At my weekly meeting my manager challenged my knowledge of our products and told the CEO that I am incompetent. She’s such a jerk."
Katie: "There you go again. Overacting and blaming your manager. When I met her she seemed very logical and reasonable. You’re probably being insensitive to her worries about your department."
Steven: "The woman has it out for me."
Katie: "And there’s your paranoia. You really need to get a handle on that."
Steven: "Forget I ever said anything."
Do you think Steven feels love by his wife in this moment? Probably not. Instead of providing a safe haven for him to be heard, she adds to his stress.
Learning to cope with external pressures and tensions outside your relationship is crucial to a marriage’s long-term health, according to research by Neil Jacobson.
The One Conversation Couples Need To Have Every Single Day
A simple, effective way for couples to earn deposits in their emotional bank account is to reunite at the end of the day and talk about how it went. We call this the “How was your day, dear?” conversation, or more formally, the Stress-Reducing Conversation.
Like Steven and Katie, many couples have the “How was your day, dear?” conversation, but the talk does not help either partner relax. Instead it escalates the stress and tension between them because they end up not feeling heard.
If this sounds like you and your partner, changing your approach to these end-of-the-day talks can ensure that they help both of you unwind.
The 4 Agreements of Love
Before you start your end-of-the-day discussion, I’d recommend making some agreements. Agreements are what I use with my clients to bring their unspoken expectations into view.
Agreement #1: Timing
Some individuals want to connect the moment they walk into the door. Others need to decompress on their own before they’re ready to interact.
When this expectation goes unspoken it can create tension and leave both partners feeling missed by each other. Agree on a time that will meet both of your needs. This can be at 7 pm every night or it can be 10 minutes after both of you get home.
Agreement #2: Dedicate Your Presence for 20-30 Minutes
Some couples struggle because they don’t spend enough time in the presence of each other to allow love to be cultivated. Take time to truly connect during this conversation.
Agreement #3: Don’t Discuss Your Marriage
This talk gives you and your partner the space to discuss about whatever is on your mind outside your marriage. It is not the time to bring up conflicts between you. Instead, it’s a chance to truly support each other in other areas of your life.
This conversation is a form of active listening in which you respond to each other’s venting with empathy and without judgment. Since the issues have nothing to do with the marriage, it’s much easier to express support and understanding of your partner’s worries and stresses.
Agreement #4: All Emotions are Welcome
This conversation is an opportunity to unload about irritants or issues, both big and small. If your partner shares sadness, fear, or anger and it feels uncomfortable, it may be time to explore why. Often this discomfort is rooted in childhood restrictions against expressing negative emotions.
Allow this space to be a place of celebration too. If you have a victory at work or as a parent, mention that. Beyond sharing frustrations, a relationship is about sharing and relishing in the victories of life together.
That’s what makes it meaningful.
7 Steps To An Effective End-Of-Day Conversation
Below are detailed instructions for using active listening during the stress-reducing and intimacy-building conversation.
1. Take turns.
Let each partner be the complainer for fifteen minutes.
2. Show Compassion.
It’s very easy to let your mind wander, but losing yourself will make your partner feel like you’ve lost touch with them. Stay focused on them. Ask questions to understand. Make eye contact.
3. Don’t provide unsolicited solutions.
It’s natural to want to fix problems or make our lovers feel better when they express pain. Often partners just want an ear to listen to and a shoulder to cry on. Unless your partner has asked for help, don’t try to fix the problem, change how they feel, or rescue them. Just be present with them.
Men get caught up in this trap more frequently than women, but it is not the man’s responsibility to rescue his partner. Often trying to “save her” backfires. In the Love Lab, Dr. John Gottman noticed that when a wife shares her troubles, she reacts negatively to her husband offering advice right away. What she wants is to be heard and understood.
It’s not that problem-solving doesn’t have its place. It is important, but as psychologist Haim Ginott says, “Understanding must precede advice.” It’s only when your partner feels fully understood that they will be receptive to suggestions.
4. Express your understanding and validate emotions.
Let your spouse know that you understand what they are saying.
Here’s a list of phrases I have my clients use:
- “Hearing that makes perfect sense why you’re upset.”
- “That sounds terrible.”
- “I totally agree with how you see it.”
- “I’d be stressed too.”
- “That would have hurt my feelings too.”
5. Take your partner’s side.
Express support of your partner’s view even if you feel their perspective is unreasonable. If you back the opposition, your spouse will be resentful. When your partner reaches out for emotional support (rather than advice), your role is not to cast judgment or to tell them what to do.
It’s your job to express empathy.
6. Adopt a “We against others” attitude.
If your partner is feeling alone while facing difficulty, express that you are there with them and you two are in this together.
7. Be Affectionate.
Touch is one of the most expressive ways we can love our partners. As your partner talks, hold them or put an arm on their shoulder. Hold that space for them and love them through thick and thin.
Here is how the conversation changed after these instructions were given to Steven and Katie.
Katie: "How was your day, dear?"
Steven: "At my weekly meeting my manager challenged my knowledge of our products and told the CEO that I am incompetent. She’s such a jerk."
Katie: "What a jerk! She is so rude. What did you say to her?"
Steven: "I told her I feel like she is out to get me and it’s not fair. I am the number one salesman on the floor."
Katie: "I completely understand why you feel like that. I’m sorry she’s doing this to you. She needs to get taken care of."
Steven: "I agree, but I think she’s doing it to herself. The CEO doesn’t appreciate her telling him everyone is incompetent but her. It’s probably best to leave it alone."
Katie: "I’m glad he’s aware of that. It’s not good and will backfire sooner or later."
Steven: "I hope so. I feel like pizza, cuddles, and a movie tonight. You in?"
Katie: "Of course, love."
If you have this conversation every day, it can’t help but benefit your marriage. You’ll come away with the feeling that your partner is on your side, and that’s one of the foundations of a long-lasting friendship.
Kyle Benson is a relationship coach who writes to help others understand the science of love and relationships.
Co-founded by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, The Gottman Institute’s approach to relationship health has been developed from 40 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples.