One Man's Perspective On Boobs Will Make You Feel Gorgeous

If you've ever doubted yourself, these 13 totally hilarious boob quotes will make you feel gorgeous.

13 Funny Boob Quotes From Men That'll Make You Feel Good

No matter what size your boobs are, perhaps at one time or another, you wished they were bigger, smaller, or shaped differently. Boobs, just like boobs quotes, come in all different shapes and sizes.

We're conditioned to think that our boobs have to look a specific way. That's why reading beautiful breast quotes from a man's point of view can be earth-shattering. 

But these boobs quotes can remind you that every boob is beautiful. 

RELATED: Why Drinking Coffee Makes Your Boobs Smaller


1. "Your legs were heaven, your breasts were the altar, your body was the holy land." — Bruce Springsteen

bruce springsteen boobs quotes

2. "If he only wants you for your breasts, legs, and thighs, send him to KFC." — Drake

drake boobs quotes


3."They are always surprising and no two are the same- they are like snowflakes!" — Joe King

they are always surprising boobs quotes

4. "The visual impact of seeing the beauty of each particular boob is compelling to every straight man." — Horace Cope

the visual impact of seeing the beauty boobs quotes

5. "Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a woman's breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy." — Robert A. Heinlein

nursing does not diminish boobs quotes

6. "Truth hath a quiet breast." — William Shakespeare

william shakespeare boobs quotes

8. "I am 59 and a 1/2 years old, and there is not a day I have not thought about boobs.

i am 59 boobs quotes

8. "One of our first experiences in the world is with the boob. It's the only thing we know about the human race – when we breathe our first breath- the next thing is 'where is the boob already?'" — Al E. Gater

one of our first experiences boob quotes

9. "They are classically artistic and have great lines." — Frank N. Stein

they are classically boobs quotes

RELATED: 10 Super Honest Reasons Men Looove (And Appreciate) Your Boobs

10."You can ask any straight man, “Have you ever seen a boob you didn't like?" — Anita Bath

ask any straight man boobs quotes


11. "A straight man's favorite set of boobs are the ones he is looking at." — Imma Hog

a straight mans boobs quotes

12. "If you ask any man about boobs if they prefer big or small boobs — they don't care." — Brighton Early

if you ask any man boobs quotes


13. "Your lips are like sugar And your cheeks an apple Your breasts are paradise And your body a lily. O, to kiss the sugar To bite the apple To reveal paradise And open the lily." — Louis de Bernieres

your lips are like sugar boobs quotes

Take all the boob quotes about beautiful breasts with you to brighten up your day. 

RELATED: The Brutal, Unfiltered Truth About Having Fake Boobs


Dr. Kirsten Milliken is a dynamic and unique clinical psychologist who lives and works in the Portland Maine area.  Yes, she has ADHD!  Kirsten has used her insight and knowledge of ADHD to develop her playful style as well as her companies, ADHD Executive coaching and PlayDHD. Kirsten espouses that Play is the best non medication intervention for people with ADHD.  While Kirsten works with all age ranges, she focuses on working primarily with adults in her practice.  Kirsten earned her degrees and training from SUNY Stony Brook, Alliant University, and ADDCA. She is an ICF certified Coach and is trained as an ADHD Career Services Specialty Coach.