There Are 7 'Types' Of Breasts: Which Kind Do You Have?
Find out...

One thing I've never been truly able to master is getting a perfectly sized bra for myself, and I'm definitely someone who needs to wear one.
When I was growing up, my best friend Cynthia's mother worked in the lingerie department of Sears. The minute my breasts started to develop, my mother got me down there, and Cynthia's mom got her tape measure out.
Before I knew it, I had the perfect bra. But ever since then, it's been a challenge.
Lingerie company ThirdLove has made it their business to know everything about breasts, and have identified the seven different types among women.
ThirdLove said, "Most women are wearing the wrong size bra, and going to get measured by a stranger in a crowded department store is certainly not ideal, which is why ThirdLove developed a mobile app that can correctly measure any women's bra size from the comfort of her own home."
If you know the shape of your breasts, then you're much more likely to find the best bra or you can just enjoy the natural beauty of your girls.
What type of breasts do you have? Read on to find out.
1. Round
Round breasts look equally as full at both the top and bottom. Many women pick round breasts when getting a breast augmentation.
If you have round breasts, you probably don't need a padded bra to help shape your breasts, since they're already perfectly shaped and stunning.
2. East West
East West breasts have their nipples pointing outward. If your actual nipples don't point in opposite directions, but your breasts still seem to gravitate away from the center of the chest, you can still consider yourself East West.
These breasts are pretty and look especially great in a t-shirt bra.
3. Side set
Side set breasts are like East West, in that there's a wide space between them, but side set tends to be a little fuller in shape.
4. Tear drop
Tear drop breasts are rounded, but slightly less full at the top. In terms of bras, this type of breast is one of the easiest to fit and is classically gorgeous.
5. Slender
Slender breasts are complicated, as they tend to be thinner at the top, fuller at the bottom, longer than they are wide, and have a relatively small cup size.
But complicated definitely doesn't mean bad — it just means more interesting, unique and beautiful.
6. Asymmetric
Asymmetric breasts are when one breast is notably larger than the other. Every woman's breasts are unique, and most women's breasts don't match exactly.
If your breasts are asymmetrical, don't fret — asymmetric is the new normal and they look great.
7. Bell shape
Bell shape breasts are a lot like slender breasts, only the bells tend to be larger than the super-slenders.
All photos: ThirdLove
The most important thing to remember, ladies, is that no matter what shape you have, your breasts are beautiful and unique, so take good care of them.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or and her Instagram.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on March 9, 2016 and was updated with the latest information.