The Most Popular Girl's Name Of 2015 Is...

Can you guess?

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Sophia. Sofia. Sophie. They're different in spelling, but that's where their difference ends. The names are all derived from the Greek word Σοφια, meaning "wisdom," according to

In the U.S., Sophia is the commonly used form. Remember that name, because you'll be meeting plenty of little girls around the world with some variation of it.

According to Cosmopolitan, author Laura Wattenberg collected baby name statistics from all over the world — 49 countries to be exact — for the website Baby Name Wizard. Out of the 49, 33 countries — like Italy, Slovakia, Mexico, and of course, the United States — report to having many children with the first name name Sophia or some variation of it.


Check out how the name ranks in various countries in the map below.

Photo: Baby Name Wizard

Sophia is ranked #1 in nine countries, #2 and #3 in 20 others, and ranks in the top 25 in two-thirds of the countries. However, Wattenberg also said to take this information with a grain of salt, since the map doesn't include data from huge countries like China, Brazil, and India. 


"To be clear, I can't say definitively that Sofia is the world's most common girl's name in terms of number of babies born," said Wattenberg. "But it's certainly the most widely popular, and it has surpassed the traditional #1 Maria/Mary in many countries where that name used to reign."

Although the name has a religious background, Wattenberg believes that its popularity has nothing to do with faith or religion. Also, there aren't many pop culture figures with that name to influence baby naming. Sofía Vergara, Sophia Bush, and maybe the animated princess Sofia The First pop into mind, but that's about it, so it's not a cultural trend either.

Wattenberg isn't sure exactly why the name is popular, but it's a global phenomenon worth noting and applauding over.

"Across borders and cultures, we're all treating baby names as statements of individual style — and in the process, discovering that we're more alike than we ever imagined," she said.


So, if you're having a baby girl, it's a beautiful name to consider and she will be part of a historic moment of universal unity.