10 Things You MUST Know Before Dating An Impatient Person

By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.

impatient weheartit

It's hard being an impatient person in today's world; it should've gotten easier with all the technological advancements. Everything has become about instant gratification, which should make this an impatient person's paradise.

Surprisingly, the opposite has happened. Since people have become so used to everything being instant, they've never developed a sense of how important time is. Even when people have to wait around, there are so many distractions that they barely feel the passage of time.


For impatient people, all they feel is the passage of time. It doesn't matter how many distractions there are — nothing can make the wait better.

Impatient people just want to get to the main event. They can only scroll through Facebook for so long before they lose their minds. If you're not impatient, you probably don't understand. That's why you should read this. Here are 10 things you must know before dating an impatient person.

1. The point never comes fast enough for them. Whenever someone has something to say, they spend too much time focusing on the details. Tell them the end of the story first, and then they'll decide if it's worth hearing the rest.

The point never comes fast enough Blogspot


2. When they get bored from waiting (which is always), their mind starts to wander. They lose focus. They stop paying attention and then suddenly realize that they've been sticking their tongue out for ten straight minutes.

People think that you're weird emlii.com


3. They're always fidgeting with something. Unfortunately, nothing makes time pass faster. They know this, but they keep trying to make it happen anyway. They can't make anything interesting; all they can do is barely distract themselves from their own discomfort.

You're always fidgeting with something buzzfeed


4. They always look like they're about to snap. The more they have to wait for something, the more upsetting it becomes. They also always feel like they're waiting for something, and how upset they are is completely visible in their facial expression. Everyone just assumes that they're some kind of maniac.

You always look like you're about to snap buzzfeed


5. They constantly feel like nothing is happening. Everyone is just shuffling along, and so are they. They have to numb themselves to keep from flipping out, and start to feel mindless.

You feel like a zombie Business Insider


6. Distractions never work. They think, I know what I'll do while I wait: I'll watch some TV! Oh wait, that doesn't take their mind off of HOW LONG THIS IS TAKING! COME ON ALREADY!

Distractions never work lifestylescience.eu


7. No one understands just how uncomfortable they really are. People say "just be patient" like it's some sort of choice. No one chooses to be impatient. What kind of maniac would do that?!

No one gets how uncomfortable you are Giphy.com


8. They can only take so much. Everyone has a breaking point. The problem is no one ever realizes how close they are to their breaking point. They think that because they themselves can handle the wait, so can the impatient person. They don't understand that their fuse is WAY shorter.

You can only take so much vignette.wikia


9. Late people INFURIATE them. We all have those friends that are always late. The thing is, they're never just late; they always claim to have some reason for being late. They always make impatient people wait around for them.

Everyone's got an excuse gifsec.com


10. All they can do is wait out the frustration. There's no cure for impatience; they just have to live with it for their entire lives. Their long, seemingly endless life full of waiting for people to just HURRY THE EFF UP.

All you can do is handle the frustration tumblr.com
