Sorry, Guys! The Real Reason Women Prefer THIS Over Sex With Men


Women Prefer To Masturbate Than Be With You weheartit

Some men get seriously offended when they find out the girl they're dating likes masturbation. We get it, it's hurtful to the ego. But do men really have a right to feel threatened?

Research says yes.

To celebrate National Masturbation Month, sex toy retailer Adam & Eve released findings from their new study. They found that four out of 10 women prefer getting the job done themselves rather than having sex.


Not only do they prefer it, but they do it pretty often. They found that two thirds of women who masturbate do it three times a week. Many of them are also fans of sex toys, as over 53 percent of women use a vibrator.

Of course, women aren't the only ones masturbating while in a relationship. According to Adam & Eve, men still lead in masturbation, with 40 percent of taken men still masturbating, while 30 percent of taken women do the same.

So, even though it hurts men's egos, why should women masturbate?

The sex toy company reports that self-pleasure relieves menstrual cramps and additional research found it gives women higher self-esteem. Masturbating also helps treat restless leg syndrome, and an orgasm can be a painkiller and help prevent endometriosis.


Don't feel guilty, ladies. His ego might be bruised, but we totally understand why you're into all that self-love.

H/T: Refinery 29
