20 Major Perks Of Being Pregnant

Baby bump nostalgia!

pregnant belly and booties

At some point in your life you’ve probably been reminded to "enjoy the journey." That’s sage advice for most of life’s adventures, but it’s particularly true for the 40 miraculous weeks you’ll spend with your baby growing inside you.

Of course, your rosy glow of pregnancy sometimes can be clouded by less pleasant side effects that come with the turf — everything from finding that your butt and hips having melded into one to the need for buying antacids in bulk. But why bemoan a few inconveniences when your body has just become a miracle of nature? It’s much more rewarding to focus on the positive.  “I know this is going to be my last child, so I’m savoring every aspect of my pregnancy,” says Janet Crawford, R.N., a Lamaze-certified childbirth instructor in Boulder, Colo. "Knowing it’s the last time my body will go through this has heightened my appreciation.”


Read it over at Fit Pregnancy: 20 Reasons You'll Miss Being Pregnant
