7 'Girl Hobbies' That SERIOUSLY Freak Him The Eff Out
A love of horses is cute ... if you're 12.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but these men have some pretty straightforward views on how they want their girl to spend her free time. Find out what they had to say about the hobbies they simply will NOT stand for.
1. Reality TV
"I can't be in the same room when The Real Housewives or Keeping Up with the Kardashians are on TV. If that's what she does in her spare time, we won't be hanging out." — Ted, 30
2. Roller derby
"I respect anyone who does any sport, but it seems like every girl I've ever met who does roller derby takes it so seriously ... to the point of putting down every other sport. Just not my cup of tea." — Vinny, 25
3. Sports, in general
"Surprisingly, it's a deal-breaker for me if a woman is really into sports. Like, if she has to watch football every single Sunday. I'm not saying her interest isn't genuine, but get a real hobby, you know? ... Something more productive." — Brock, 29
4. Collectors
"I dated a girl who collected those glass Precious Moments dolls. They were everywhere in her apartment. I once brought my dog over to her house, his tail knocked over a bunch of them, and she had a serious meltdown, even though none of them broke. Never again." — Sam, 22
5. Horse lovers
"Everyone had that one weird girl in their fifth-grade class who was obsessed with horses, right? Well, I accidentally started dating that girl when she was 23 ... and she was still very, very involved with horses, to the point where she carried a horse tote bag around and subscribed to a horse magazine. Horses are nice but there's only so much you can say about them." — Jake, 26
6. Loving the Earth
"Girls who devote their time to 'going green' ... I'm sorry, but I need to feel comfortable in my home. You telling me that my light bulbs are killing the universe slowly kills the mood." — Steve, 25
7. Foodies
"If I ask a girl what she likes to do for fun and she tells me that she loves to try new restaurants, she's not the girl for me. I can't support that type of habit. Truthfully, I think eating out all the time is financially irresponsible and a huge waste of money." — Kyle, 27