7 Shocking (And Very Weird) Facts About College Hookup Culture

The majors that get the most action. PLUS who's NOT practicing safe sex.

7 Shocking (And Very Weird) Facts About College Hookup Culture

We usually think of college as a time where young people let loose and fully experiment with their sex lives. Since it's the first time they're living on their own, it's normal to wonder what are they up to. Are they having protected sex? Are they having sleeping partners? Who are they sleeping with?

Well, thanks to a British survey, given to 6,129 students from over 100 universities, we can tell you almost everything about their sex lives—from who's getting the most action to how they feel about their sexcapades.


1. Hospitality and philosophy majors get the most action.

Who's hooking up the most? It's those deep-thinkers and future Top Chef contestants. Hospitality majors are charming and sociable, so this makes sense. As for philosophers, don't we all kind of fall for that person who seems thoughtful, down to earth, and intelligent?

Let's face it, other than writing papers, philosophy majors have a good amount of time on their hands to work on their game.

2. Environmental science is NOT sexy.

Sorry, chemical engineering, human resources, and environmental science majors, but you need to step it up. Engineers, we understand your workload is outrageous. As for HR and eco-friendly scholars? No excuses. 


3. Most students don't use condoms.

Both genders aren't good in this area, and if you think about how often college campuses hand out condoms, this shouldn't happen. In fact, 51 percent of female students, and 61 percent of male students, say they've had unprotected sex. Not good.

4. No one seems to worry about pregnancy

Isn't this the generation that grew up with 16 & Pregnant? Have you learned nothing, people? It's not just the college bros who are lax in this area; females don't seem too worried either. Only 30 percent of college gals worry about pregnancy, whereas 15 percent of dudes are. 

5. Most hookup partners are in a relationship with someone else.


As we mentioned previously, the "hook up culture" is BS, and this new stat proves it. While everyone likes to think college students are running around naked from frat house to frat house, 51 percent are actually in a committed relationship.

6. They're sleeping with their roommates.

Another lesson reality shows and sitcomes should have taught us—never sleep with a roommate. Yet, 26 percent of students say they've had a sexual relationship with someone they live with. Hopefully that doesn't bring as much drama to their living situation as it does on The Real World.

7. Many guys and girls ultimately regret their sexual experiences.

Thought college sex was all fun and games? Not so much ... and both sexes agree on this one. 57 percent of ladies regret getting in the sheets with someone, while 47 percent of men end up feeling the same way. It gets better, you guys!

