Yoga? The Top Porn Searches Revealed For 24 U.S. Cities

See which city is taking "self-love" to a whole new level.

man looking at laptop in bed

It seems like every few months we get data from companies that are all about sex in order to understand the differences across the country, from penis size to how long we're lasting in bed.

Now there's new data on what people around the country are typing into their porn site's search bar. Will any of this information actually be of any use to anyone? Who knows? But we have to admit that we like this data because we're nosey.


Pornhub decided to release this data for 24 U.S. cities. If you're not a regular porn viewer then you may be surprised by some of the categories that are most popular among cities.

So are you into the same things as the people around you? Find out by clicking the link below to view the popular searches.

Click here to find out the popular searches in your area: What Are Your City's Top Porn Searches?

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